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growth opportunities to our customers and
                                                                                      the travelling public. It provides airlines with
                                                                                      the efficiency of commonality inside the
                                                                                      A320/A321 product range and its versatile
                                                                                      cabin a range of service possibilities that are
                                                                                      just unique. It is quintessential Airbus!,” said
                                                                                      Christian Scherer, CEO of the Commercial
                                                                                      Aircraft business of Airbus. “With the certi-
                                                                                      fication, we have reached a key milestone.
                                                                                      The next step is to prepare the aircraft for its
                                                                                      first commercial missions with customers
                                                                                      worldwide. We look forward to working with
                                                                                      XLR customers to support the integration
                                                                                      of the aircraft in their fleets.”

                                                                                      The A321XLR sits side by side with wide-
        Airbus A321XLR Receives                                                       bodies in an airline’s fleet. It introduces
                                                                                      the flexibility to add capacity, to open new
                                                                                      routes, or even to continue operating ex-
        EASA Type Certification                                                       isting ones when demand is variable. All
                                                                                      while burning 30% less fuel per seat than
                                                                                      previous generation competitor aircraft,
        The  Airbus  A321XLR  powered  by  CFM  days before the year’s biggest airshow,   and at roughly half the trip cost of modern
        LEAP-1A engines has received its Type  by Florian Guillermet, Executive Director
        Certification  from  the  European  Union  of EASA, to Isabelle Bloy, A321XLR Chief
        Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), preparing  Engineer. Certification of the Pratt & Whitney  The first A321XLR completed its maiden
        the way for the entry-into-service of the new  engine version is slated for later in 2024.  flight in June 2022. This was followed by an
        aircraft at the end of the summer.                                            extensive test programme involving three
                                               “With its long range, the A321XLR enables  test aircraft. So far more than 500 Airbus
        The Type Certificate was handed over, just  a host of new direct routes, offering natural  A321XLRs have been ordered.

        44,000 New Aircraft Needed Over the Next 20 Years: Boeing

        Boeing has forecast the need for 44,000 new
        aircraft over the next 20 years as air travel
        surpasses pre-pandemic levels.

        Released ahead of the airshow, the Boeing
        annual Commercial Market Outlook (CMO)
        forecasts that the global passenger and
        freighter fleet will nearly double over the
        next 20 years and single-aisle aircraft will
        account for 76% of deliveries.

        The report says that half of deliveries will
        replace older jets with more fuel-efficient
        models, improving sustainability. Boeing
        says that air travel demand continues to
        outpace economic growth in an increasingly
        connected world and four years after the  The global commercial fleet is projected  and Africa (6.4%), as emerging markets
        pandemic grounded most of the global fleet,  to grow 3.2% annually. With speed and re-  return to historical growth trends through
        air traffic growth has returned to the long-  liability that consistently outperforms other  the forecast period.
        term trend Boeing forecast 20 years ago.  modes of transport, the air cargo fleet will
                                               increase by two-thirds by 2043, to support  Eurasia is projected to lead all markets
        Boeing found 84% of those surveyed said  4.1% annual air cargo traffic growth.  with the most airplane deliveries (22% of
        they would prioritize travel in their bud-                                    total) with North America (20%) and China
        get while 66% said they would travel more  The number of global routes served by com-  (20%) close behind. Single-aisle airplanes
        than pre-pandemic. Compared to 2023,  mercial airlines has returned to 2019 levels,  will make up 71% of the 2043 fleet after
        passenger air traffic will rise an average of  even though nearly 20% of them are new.  33,380 new deliveries, serving short- to
        4.7% annually over the next two decades,  South Asia passenger traffic will increase  medium-haul routes. The global widebody
        according to the CMO.                  7.4%, followed by Southeast Asia (7.2%)  fleet will nearly double.

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