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Maiden Show Foray for Turkish Major Aselsan
Turkey’s leading defence company Aselsan, Air Defence System, providing robust pro-
which is making its first appearance at tection against diverse airborne threats.
Farnborough, is showcasing air radar, com- TOYGUN electro-optical sensor and tar-
munication, electro-optical and electronic geting system, KARAT infrared search, de-
warfare systems. tection, and tracking system, IFF Mode 5
Combined Interrogator/Transponder, IFF
Among the systems that the company is Mode 5 Man-Portable Interrogator solutions,
displaying are electro-optical reconnais- T-Link Terminals LOS-A and LOS-C, and
sance, surveillance and targeting systems, YILDIRIM-100 directed infrared countermea-
radar systems, guided munitions, integrated sure (DIRCM) system will be showcased for
avionics systems, communication radios, the first time abroad.
and electronic warfare systems for military
and civilian air platforms. These include “We are delighted to attend Farnborough
the new generation ASELFLIR-500 elec- International Airshow, which gathers leading
tro-optical reconnaissance, surveillance and companies in the aerospace and defence
targeting system, which is combat proven industries,” said Aselsan President & CEO
and renowned for its performance in UAVs Ahmet Akyol. “We will be debuting our latest
(Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) and UCAVs avionic systems, air radars, anti-drone sys-
(Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles). tems, guided munitions, air communication
technologies, air defence systems, and air-
Among the other highlights is the ALP 300- borne electro-optical solutions. This airshow
G Early Warning Radar System, enhancing radar, adaptable for F-16 and other plat- presents a significant opportunity for us to
air defence capabilities with its dual axis forms. The company will also display TOLUN forge new partnerships and enhance exist-
AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) Guided Munition, capable of simultaneous ing collaborations, as well as to showcase
technology and MURAD 110-A AESA nose strikes on multiple targets, and SKYDOME our capabilities on avionic technologies.”
Hanwha Unveils
15,000 lb
Turbofan Engine
South Korean Aerospace firm Hanwha committed to developing an aero turbo- future launch missions through 2027.
Aerospace is showcasing the prototype of a fan engine of our own technology,” said
homegrown 15,000lb.-thrust-class turbofan Executive Vice President Kim Won-wook, Built by Satrec-I, a subsidiary of Hanwha
engine on par with GE’s F414 at the Show. Head of Advanced Aero Engine Business Aerospace, SpaceEye-T is capable of iden-
Unit. “With the successful development of tifying the type of vehicle on the road from
This is the first unveiling of the Korean KF-21 fighter jets, and growing defense in- space, using its super resolution 0.3m
aviation engine concept, with the engine dustry capabilities in Korea, we are confident imagery capabilities. In addition, Hanwha
expected to power South Korea’s KF-21 jet in the success of our endeavor.” Systems is showcasing its small synthetic
fighters in a future tranche and uncrewed aperture radar (SAR) satellite, which has
combat aircraft as well. Hanwha Aerospace Hanwha’s homegrown KSLV-II space launch been in orbit since December 2023.
is the only manufacturer of aero gas turbine vehicle will be displayed in a mock-up, along
engines in South Korea, achieving a major with SpaceEye-T, the world’s highest resolu- “With our capabilities in all areas required,
milestone of producing over 10,000 engines tion commercial earth observation satellite. Hanwha aims to become a total solution
in April 2024. Also known as Nuri, the KSLV-II is a three- provider offering a complete value chain of
stage launch vehicle with a payload capac- services from launch services to satellites,
“Leveraging our decades of accumulated ity of a 1.5-ton to Sun-synchronous orbit and space exploration,” said Executive Vice
experience and exceptional expertise in (SSO). As the systems integrator, Hanwha President Lee Jun-won of Space Business
aircraft engine manufacturing, we’re fully Aerospace will take charge of KSLV-II’s Group at Hanwha Aerospace.