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Embraer’s E190F Makes Show Debut
Embraer has brought its brand-new Freighter will have over 50% more volume “I’m sure this will be another great airshow
E-Freighter, the E190F to the show, marking capacity, three times the range of large for Embraer. Farnborough is the main stage
the aircraft’s first public appearance. The cargo turboprops, and up to 30% lower of the aviation industry, and we look forward
company is also showcasing a range of air- operating costs than narrowbodies. While to meeting with our customers, partners
craft for commercial aviation and defence. the E190F can handle a payload of 23,600lb and many other stakeholders as we kick
(10,700kg), the E195F has a payload of off our 55th anniversary celebrations,” said
It was in March 2022 that Embraer an- 27,100 lb (12,300 kg). Francisco Gomes Neto, President and CEO
nounced its entry into the air freight market of Embraer. “Embraer is experiencing very
with the launch of the E190F and E195F positive momentum, growing in a profitable
Passenger to Freight Conversions (P2F). The company’s lineup at the show in- way through the execution of our business
According to company officials, the aircraft cludes the E195-E2, the E190F, the C-390 strategy.”
are perfectly positioned to fill the gap in the Millennium multi-mission military tactical
freighter market between turboprops and transport; and the A-29 Super Tucano multi-
larger narrowbody jets. Embraer sees a role aircraft, which is used for a range of Inside the Embraer chalet (#C-105), visitors
market for this size of airplane of approxi- missions such as light attack, aerial surveil- will have the chance to take a closer look
mately 700 aircraft over 20 years. lance and interception, and counterinsurgen- at new technologies and the company’s
cy. The C-390 Millennium and the E195-E2 roadmap to sustainable aviation, such as
According to the company, the E-Jet will also take part in the flight display. the Energia Family concept aircraft.
Havelsan Highlight FFS, Other Pilot Training Equipment
Buoyed by its success in the field, Havelsan Acccording to company officials, Havelsan to a significant number of airlines and train-
is promoting its pilot training equipment has delivered equipment ahead of schedule ing centers in 2024. Recently, Havelsan de-
solutions at the Show. livered its 5th FFS to Turkish Airlines as part
of the airlines’ order for 11 FFS and FTDs.
It also delivered an Airbus A320 neo/CEO
The Turkish company has a team at the FFS simulator with three engine options to
show for discussions with industry stake- well-known independent pilot training group
holders such as airlines and pilot training IFTC. The company also has received device
centers about the range of pilot training orders from airlines such as SunExpress.
equipment that it provides. Since the be-
ginning of the current year, Havelsan has Havelsan, which has 40 years of experi-
delivered a number of Boeing B737MAX and ence in the field of defense, simulation, ICT,
Airbus A320 full flight simulators (FFS) and homeland security and cyber security, an-
achieved subsequent EASA certification of nounced earlier this year that it had entered
devices. Until now, the company’s devices into a collaboration with Turkish Airlines
have supported the training of over 8,600 to set up a Turkish Airlines training center
airline pilots since going into operation. location in Ankara, Turkiye.