P. 5

Supernal Sees Huge

          Potential for AAM in the Asia-Pacific

                                               and operates quietly, meeting community  flights with Supernal vehicles in 2028,” said
                                               noise standards.                       Rottblatt.

                                               Engineered to achieve the global commer-  For AAM to truly take off, several key factors
                                               cial aviation standard of safety, S-A2 has  need to be addressed, believes Rottblatt.
                                               a robust airframe structure with redundant  “Continued advancements in battery tech-
                                               components in critical systems such as the  nology, air traffic management systems and
                                               powertrain, flight controls and avionics. “We  infrastructure development are essential, for
                                               are working with commercial and executive  example. Collaboration between public and
                                               fleet operators to ensure our aircraft will  private sectors will be crucial in establishing
                                               meet their needs,” said Rottblatt.     consistent policies and standards across
                                                                                      regions. Public acceptance is also vital,
                                               As part of its plan to advance AAM in  which can be fostered through demonstrat-
                                               the Asia Pacific region, the company is  ed safety, reliability and the convenience of
                                               partnering with the Singapore Economic  AAM solutions.”
                                               Development Board (EDB) and the Civil
                                               Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS),  Some of Supernal’s competitors in the AAM
        David Rottblatt, Senior Director of Strategy  besides Korean Air. Korean Air will also  sector are expected to start commercial
        & Commercialization, Supernal, expects  collaborate with Supernal to help develop  operations before it. “We hope other AAM
        advanced air mobility (AAM) to take off in  eVTOL aircraft that are compatible with the  companies are successful for the sake of
        a big way in the Asia Pacific region.  Korean UAM operational environment and  the wider market,” said Rottblatt. “It will take
                                               market. “Supernal’s approach is to develop  time for AAM to meet the projected demand,
        “Supernal sees tremendous potential as an
        OEM in the Asia-Pacific market, thanks in   mutually beneficial partnerships to create  which is why Supernal is prioritizing time to
        part to strong and stable national govern-  a viable business and operational case for  scale’ over ‘time to market.’ We understand
        ments with whom we have partnered that   stakeholders across the value chain – from  there is much work to be done before the
        can streamline adoption of new transpor-  manufacturers and regulators to operators  world is ready for AAM operations and are
        tation modalities, such as the scaling up   and passengers,” Rottblatt said.  committed to doing whatever it takes to
        of AAM,” he said in an interview with Arun   Supernal plans to launch its full-scale tech-  make this much-needed mode of transpor-
        Sivasankaran. “Additionally, if you consider   nology demonstrator later this year. In 2026-  tation a reality.
        the global landscape for existing letters   2027, the company will conduct extensive  As an OEM, we prioritize “time to scale”
        of intent that have been signed for eVTOL   prototype flight testing to validate perfor-  over “time to market,” leveraging Hyundai
        aircraft, a significant percentage comes   mance, safety and reliability under various  Motor Group’s advanced processes and
        from the APAC market which presents a   conditions. “We expect to develop and fly  collaborating with aerospace leaders to
        directional indicator that the region is poised   the first conforming aircraft in 2027 to meet  reduce production costs and time, ensuring
        to benefit significantly from this technology.”  all regulatory and design specifications pri-  AAM is built to the highest standards for

                                               or to our operators beginning commercial  broad adoption.”
        Supernal, Hyundai Motor Group’s AAM
        company, unveiled S-A2, its electric ver-
        tical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicle
        product concept in January this year. The
        company is planning to launch a full-scale
        technology demonstrator later this year.
        Commercial flights with Supernal vehicles
        will commence in 2028. “Supernal is prior-
        itizing ‘time to scale’ over ‘time to market,”’
        Rottblatt added.

        S-A2 is designed to cruise at 120 mph at
        altitudes between 1,000-1,500 feet AGL, with
        a range of up to 60 miles. It features modu-
        lar battery components for future upgrades
        and a human-centric interior developed in
        collaboration with Hyundai Motor Group’s
        automotive designers. The aircraft utilizes a
        distributed electric propulsion architecture

        FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL AIRSHOW 2024                                                               JULY-22-2024 5
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