P. 10
operate within the boundaries of operator
input, ensuring legal and ethical utilisation
at all times.
MBDA has rapidly developed Orchestrike
from the concept unveiled at the 2023
Paris Air Show, towards capability in twelve
months. MBDA stated that in particular,
work was focused on refining the AI algo-
rithms, advancing missile-to-missile da-
talinks, and on integrating both elements
together and into SPEAR to enhance the
already world-leading capabilities of the
cruise missile weapon system.
On the MBDA stand at the ongoing Airshow,
MBDA Announces Deployment an Orchestrike digital-twin simulator featur-
ing real missile AI and hardware including
of AI for Spear Cruise Missiles new networked-enabled datalinks, will allow
military users to immerse themselves in a
unique simulated raid where the missiles
react live and collaboratively to the devel-
MBDA has announced that its SPEAR family enable our armed forces to defend our val- opments of a tactical situation thanks to
of weapons will be the first cruise missiles ues and freedoms.” In the future Orchestrike the Orchestrike AI capability.
to feature AI-enhanced collaboration, while can be extended to other munitions with
keeping a human operator in the loop. MBDA network-enabled datalink capabilities. SPEAR is a family of network-enabled cruise
made the announcement at the ongong missiles developed by MBDA to meet the
airshow, adding that it had made rapid Orchestrike will enhance the performance of need of air forces to defeat and supress
advances to its Orchestrike collaborative SPEAR missiles via AI-driven co-ordination, enemy air defences by striking moving tar-
weapons Artificial Intelligence (AI) over the collaboration and co-operation between the gets in all weathers, at stand-off ranges.
past 12 months. missiles and the pilot controlling them from They feature all the advanced features of a
the launch aircraft. Orchestrike will enable cruise missile, including advanced mission
Eric Beranger, CEO of MBDA, said: “Being SPEAR missiles to react to threats and planning and the ability to perform complex
at the forefront of innovation in AI high- work together with the pilot to solve tactical missions at long ranges, while being of a
lights how MBDA has unique technologies challenges, increasing both missile and revolutionarily small size – with a single
and expertise in Europe for delivering the platform survivability and overall mission F-35 able to carry eight SPEAR missiles
decisive air domain missile capabilities to performance. The missiles will only ever within its weapon bays.
Türkiye’s T625 Gökbey Makes Debut Int’l Flight
Türkiye’s first indigenous multirole heli- April 19, 2023, the P1 Prototype of the T625 Necessary work for the certification of the
copter, T625 Gokbey conducted its debut Gokbey Helicopter underwent its first test helicopter by the EASA (European Aviation
international flight demonstration on the flight, powered by the TS1400 Turboshaft Safety Authority) and the DGCA (Directorate
first day of FIA2024. Engines developed and produced by TEI General of Civil Aviation) is currently under-
with indigenous capabilities. way as part of the program.
The helicopter, developed by Turkish
Aerospace Industries (TAI), made a sev- Speaking on the occasion TAI General
en-minute flight display. The T625 utility Manager Mehmet Demiroğlu stated that
helicopter is being developed as part of the the Farnborough International Aviation Fair
original helicopter program, coordinated by is an important fair where the latest point
the Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB). of aviation technologies in the world can be
seen most clearly. “We are exhibiting all our
The helicopter is designed to undertake products here to show how assertive we
a diverse array of missions, including VIP are with the opportunities and capabilities
transport, cargo transport, air ambulance we have,” he said.
services, search and rescue operations, and
offshore transportation missions.
“It is especially important for our country
It is the first utility helicopter developed and that T625 Gökbey flies in Farnborough.
manufactured with indigenous capabilities. There is a serious demand for our product.
It successfully completed its inaugural flight We want to give export news for many of
on September 6, 2018. Subsequently, on our platforms in a short time,” he added.