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– Mexico’s state-owned airline. The order
                                                                                      includes 10 E190-E2 jets and another 10
                                                                                      E195-E2 jets, with deliveries scheduled to
                                                                                      start in 2Q25. Other highlights were the
                                                                                      delivery and start of operations of the first
                                                                                      E190-E2 to Scoot – the low-cost subsidiary
                                                                                      of Singapore Airlines (SIA). Furthermore,
                                                                                      Embraer reached another important mile-
                                                                                      stone: the delivery of its 1,800th E-Jet in
                                                                                      May. The marquee aircraft was delivered
                                                                                      to the leasing company Azorra and it will
                                                                                      be operated by Royal Jordanian Airlines.

                                                                                      Executive Jets continued to seize great
                                                                                      sales momentum in both fleet and retail
                                                                                      markets, demonstrating solid delivery per-
                                                                                      formance and maintaining a positive book-
                                                                                      to-bill ratio. The backlog ended the period
                                                                                      marginally up at US$ 4.6 billion in 2Q24
                                                                                      (+1% qoq).

                                                                                      The Services & Support unit continues to be
                                                                                      one of the main drivers of Embraer’s growth
                                                                                      through a combination of operational excel-
        There Was a Lot For Embraer                                                   lence, customer experience and innovative
                                                                                      solutions. Its backlog ended 2Q24 roughly
        to be Happy About in 2Q24                                                     unchanged at US$3.1 billion.

                                                                                      In Defence & Security, the highlight was the
        Embraer delivered 47 jets in 2Q24, an 88%  The company wide backlog reached  delivery of the 2nd C-390 Millennium to the
        increase compared to the previous quarter  US$21.1 billion in 2Q24 (or more than 20%  Portuguese Air Force (FAP), in a ceremony
        (qoq), when 25 jets were delivered. The  higher yoy and marginally higher qoq). The  held in Gavião Peixoto (SP), Brazil. In 2019,
        company’s overall backlog ended at US$21.1  biggest increase happened in Commercial  FAP ordered 5 KC-390s, including a compre-
        billion, more than 20% higher annually (yoy)  Aviation (+US$227 million) while the biggest  hensive services and support package and a
        and a 7-year high.                     decrease occurred in Defence & Security  flight simulator. The 1st aircraft entered ser-
                                               (-US$251 million). The backlog for the other  vice in October 2023 at Beja Air Base. The
        Commercial Aviation was the highlight of  two businesses units increased marginally  selection of the C-390 by some countries in
        the quarter with 19 jets deliveries, or 170%  (+US$45 million).               Europe has not yet been incorporated into
        more than the first quarter in which 7 jets                                   the backlog, which represents a significant
        were delivered. Meanwhile, Executive Jets  In Commercial Aviation, the backlog reached  source of potential growth for the coming
        delivered a solid performance with 27 air-  US$11.3 billion in 2Q24 (+2% qoq). The  quarters. The backlog in Defence & Security
        craft (18 in 1Q24) while Defence delivered  main highlight of the period was the order  decreased 10% qoq and reached US$2.1
        one multi-mission airlift C-390 Millennium.  for 20 E2 jets by Mexicana de Aviación  billion in 2Q24.

        AERALIS Partners with                                                         some of the biggest aviation challenges. We
                                                                                      are thrilled to know that as we develop our
        StandardAero for Engine MRO                                                   best-in-class air system, we will be devel-
                                                                                      oping and incorporating the finest products
                                                                                      on the market, ensuring world-class through
        UK based aircraft manufacturer AERALIS                                        life support and spiral development.”
        has inked a Memorandum of Understanding
        (MOU) with StandardAero to explore oppor-                                     The companies announced the partner-
        tunities for collaboration across the entire                                  ship at the Royal International Air Tattoo
        life cycle for applicable AERALIS products                                    in Fairford, Gloucestershire and will now
        in the UK and internationally.  AERALIS CEO                                   commence the process of defining future
        Tristan Crawford said, “We are delighted                                      workstreams through a series of tests,
        to announce this MOU with StandardAero,                                       demonstrations and workshops. The scope
        a company with highly impressive engine                                       of work considered under the MOU includes
        maintenance, repair and overhaul services                                     engine and accessories maintenance, repair
        capabilities as well as notable component                                     and overhaul, engine nacelles and Ground
        repair services, and we are very much look-                                   Support Equipment as well as assembly and
        ing forward to working together to solve                                      equipping for the entire AERALIS modular

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