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Supernal Plans Prototype Testing of S-A2 in 2025

                                                                                      hour at altitudes between 1,000 and 1,500
                                                                                      feet above ground level, S-A2 will have an
                                                                                      initial range of 60 miles to meet typical city
                                                                                      operation needs.

                                                                                      The aircraft utilizes a distributed electric
                                                                                      propulsion architecture and will operate
                                                                                      quietly to meet community noise standards.
                                                                                      The S-A2 is engineered to achieve global
                                                                                      commercial aviation safety standards with
                                                                                      a robust airframe structure that includes
                                                                                      redundant components in critical systems
                                                                                      such as powertrain, flight controls and

        Advanced Air Mobility company Supernal’s  will inform Supernal’s prototype vehicle  “We are eager to share Supernal’s latest
        full-scale electric vertical takeoff and land-  by helping to mature and validate vehicle  product milestone – our eVTOL product
        ing (eVTOL) vehicle product concept, S-A2,  systems, optimize supply chain processes  concept – with the aviation industry as we
        is on display at the ongoing Show. The  and solidify internal testing protocols.   work to launch commercial Advanced Air
        company Supernal will initiate prototype                                      Mobility operations in 2028,” said Jaiwon
        testing of S-A2 in 2025 and plans to launch  The introduction of S-A2 to the aviation  Shin, president of Hyundai Motor Group and
        commercial flights in 2028.            community is the latest milestone in the  CEO of Supernal. “With our ‘right product,
                                               company’s journey toward realizing safe,  right market at the right time’ philosophy,
        Prior to protoype testing next year, Supernal  efficient and affordable everyday passenger  S-A2 embodies critical work Supernal is
        will begin flying its full-scale technology  air travel. The aircraft leverages expertise  conducting with fleet operators, suppliers,
        demonstrator (FSTD) (FSTD). GKN has de-  from Supernal’s aerospace engineering  governments and Hyundai Motor Group to
        livered the full composite wing assembly for  teams in collaboration with Hyundai Motor  ensure AAM becomes a safe, economically
        the FSTD and will deliver the booms by the  Group’s automotive designers and manufac-  viable and widespread mode of transporta-
        end of the month. The FSTD test program  turing teams. Built to cruise at 120 miles per  tion in the coming decades.”

        Wisk Expects to Carry Passengers This decade, Says CEO

        Brian Yutko, CEO of Boeing-owned Wisk  “We want to enter into service this decade,”  Skyports agreement: Also on the open-
        Aero autonomous eVTOL vehicle, expects  Yutko added. “We have planned ahead of  ing day of the Show, Wisk and Skyports
        the  aircraft to begin carrying passengers  that to achieve type certification and the  Infrastructure (Skyports), a  vertiport infra-
        “later in the decade.” Flight testing of the  operational approvals that are required to  structure builder, announced that they were
        company’s 6th generation aircraft is expect-  fly autonomous aircraft,” said Yutko. “We  expanding their partnership to identify an
        ed to commence later this year.        have to do both of those things, which is an  Entry-into-Service (EIS) network for Wisk’s
                                               unique aspect of certifying an autonomous  autonomous Generation 6 aircraft in the
        Wisk is developing a four-seater autono-  aircraft.”                          South East Queensland (SEQ) region of
        mous aircraft that will have a range of 90                                    Australia.
        miles. “We are in the middle of a certification
        program with the FAA (Federal Aviation                                        Thet agreement builds on an existing part-
        Administration),” Yutko told reporters on the                                 nership between Wisk and Skyports an-
        opening day of the ongoing Show.  “We are                                     nounced in 2022. The two companies will
        now testing and producing the elements of                                     collaborate to determine locations for a
        this aircraft that we hope to fly around the                                  viable vertiport network for SEQ, which is
        end of this year.”                                                            undergoing rapid and extensive develop-
                                                                                      ment ahead of the Brisbane 2032 Olympic
        The Wisk team has grown over the last few                                     and Paralympic Games.
        years and is about 800 strong, said Yutko.
        “We are pretty heads down right now on the                                    “Skyports has already been a strong part-
        building and testing phase of this. We are                                    ner to Wisk, and we are proud to build on
        making great progress on our certification                                    the work we’re doing already, this time in
        program. That is a pioneering program; we                                     Australia,” said Yutko. “Wisk is committed
        are trying to pioneer the first certification                                 to bringing safe, emissions-free aviation
        basis for an autonomous passenger carrying                                    to Queensland, and this partnership will
        aircraft. We are looking forward to flying the                                get us one step closer to making our goal
        airplane in the coming months.                                                a reality.”

        FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL AIRSHOW 2024                                                               JULY-23-2024 5
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