P. 6

Lilium Signs Deal with Saudia Group for 50

        eVTOLs, to Work with GACA on AAM Regulations

                                                                                      develop, and implement the necessary reg-
                                                                                      ulatory and procedural framework.

                                                                                      The sales agreement with Saudia Group,
                                                                                      which follows a MoU signed in October
                                                                                      2022, is the largest of its kind in the MENA
                                                                                      region and is the most substantial firm
                                                                                      order of eVTOL aircraft by an airline. The
                                                                                      two companies will also finalise a “Lilium
                                                                                      POWER ON” agreement for aircraft fleet
                                                                                      maintenance and support services.
        Advanced air mobility (AAM) company  On the opening day of the Show, the Saudi
        Lilium, which is riding the momentum  Arabian General Authority of Civil Aviation
        generated by the Saudia Group signing a  (GACA) and Lilium signed a memorandum   Saudia Group anticipates receiving the first
        binding sales agreement for the purchase  of understanding (MoU) to develop and im-  jets in 2026, with operations managed by
        of 50 Lilium Jets, is showcasing a full-scale  plement the required regulations for eVTOL   Saudia Private, a subsidiary of the Group.
        mock-up of its eVTOL aircraft at the Show.  operations in Saudi Arabia beginning in   The Lilium Jet will feature large, premium
        The Saudia Group contract also has an  2026. The partnership will start by setting   cabins accommodating up to six passen-
        option for an additional 50 aircraft.  up a joint Working Group preparing the reg-  gers plus luggage, delivering the valued
                                               ulations in Saudi Arabia for the introduction   Saudia premium experience.
        The agreement between Saudia Group and  of regional electric air mobility.
        Lilium was signed just days before the                                        Prior to commercialisation, Saudia Group
        Show at Lilium’s headquarters in Munich  Dedicated sub-working groups for infrastruc-  will support Lilium’s certification process
        by Fahd Al-Jarbou, CEO of Saudia Private,  ture, air operations, airworthiness, and air-  with the General Authority of Civil Aviation
        representing Saudia Group, and Lilium’s  space integration, led by GACA and support-  (GACA), Saudi Arabia’s aviation regulatory
        CEO Klaus Roewe.                       ed by Lilium, will jointly discuss, accelerate,   agency.

        Boeing Issues Landmark Guidance                                               part of Navy readiness,” said Rick Kamin,
                                                                                      Operational Energy Manager for the U.S.
        on Use of SAF for Defence Aircraft                                            Naval Air Systems Command and lead for
                                                                                      the Tri-Service Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants
                                                                                      Users Group’s synthetic aviation turbine
        Boeing has released a landmark guidance  alignment between commercial and military   fuels qualification team. “The global NTO
        at the Royal International Air Tattoo, RAF  fuel standards, to the benefit of all.”  helps expedite  the  U.S.  Department of
        Fairford aimed at supporting global militar-                                  Defense’s approval of synthetic aviation
        ies who are evaluating the adoption of SAF  SAF is a fully approved fuel source that   turbine fuels critical to assuring worldwide
        into their fleets. Boeing has told its defence  is fully interchangeable with conventional   interoperability.”
        customers that company-built military air-  fuels such as Jet A or Jet A-1. Additionally,
        craft can operate on Sustainable Aviation  multiple SAFs have been incorporated into   In 2010, Boeing had collaborated with the
        Fuel (SAF) at currently approved limits of  military fuels specifications, such as JP-8/  U.S. Air Force on an in-depth fuel study
        up to 50% blend with conventional fuel.   NATO F-34 or JP-5/NATO F-44.        as part of their efforts to certify the C-17
                                                                                      Globemaster to use SAF blends. The same
                                               “Qualifying synthetic aviation turbine fuels,  year, Boeing also supported the supersonic
        The global No Technical Objection (NTO)   which includes SAF, expands the DOD’s  flight of a U.S. Navy F/A-18F “Green Hornet”
        states there are no technical issues with   operational capacity and is an important  on a 50/50 SAF blend.
        Boeing defense aircraft operating on syn-
        thetic aviation turbine fuels, which includes
        SAF. The NTO applies to all Boeing-built
        defense aircraft and their derivatives.  “SAF
        is widely accepted today as a drop-in re-
        placement that works with existing aircraft,
        and also provides opportunities for global
        interoperability as well as strategic resil-
        ience through local fuel production,” said
        Steve Parker, senior vice president and chief
        operating officer at Boeing Defense, Space
        and Security. “We hope this NTO will clear
        the way for more widespread SAF adoption
        by our military customers and propel greater

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