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Luxair Expands Fleet with New Boeing 737-10 Aircraft
Boeing and Luxair have announced that the The 737 MAX family offers a 20 percent experience while realising the benefits of
European regional carrier is further expand- reduction in fuel use and carbon emissions operating an increasingly fuel-efficient fleet.”
ing its fleet with a new order for the largest compared to the aircraft it replaces, pro-
model in the 737 MAX family. Following viding operators with greater efficiency Currently, Luxair operates a regional fleet
last year’s purchase of the 737-7 and 737- and fleet commonality. The 737-10’s size of 21 aircraft, including two leased 737-8s
8 models, Luxair has now committed to allows operators to carry more passengers and eight Next-Generation 737s. Over the
two 737-10 aircraft, with options for an and achieve the lowest cost per seat of any past two years, the airline has expanded
additional two. This move aims to support single-aisle aircraft. its route network by 30%, now serving 94
the airline’s sustainable growth and fleet destinations.
Luxair plans to configure its new 737-10s
to offer a minimum of 30-inch seat pitch,
“The purchase of the 737-10 is another step enabling the airline to fly up to 213 pas- Founded in 1961, Luxair is a key player in the
towards Luxair positioning for its future sengers on routes up to 5,740 km (3,100 economy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
with the investment in the latest airplane nautical miles). This will provide increased and the surrounding Greater Region. The
technology that will support Luxair’s growth capacity and range to meet growing leisure airline is well known for its passenger air
plans and the decarbonisation of our fleet. travel demand. transport services, offering quick connec-
There is high commonality between the 737 tions to major cities, business centres, and
MAX models, and this allows for significant international hubs across Europe. Luxair
operational savings for the airline,” stated “With three members of the 737 MAX family provides maximum flexibility to business
Gilles Feith, Luxair CEO. in its fleet, Luxair will have the flexibility travellers and quality travel experiences to
to use the right-size aeroplane according leisure customers. Through its tour opera-
Feith also highlighted the environmental to market demand,” said Brad McMullen, tor division, Luxair offers a wide range of
benefits, noting that the 737 MAXs will help Boeing Senior Vice President of Commercial package holidays and themed getaways.
create a 50 percent smaller noise footprint Sales and Marketing. “We appreciate Additionally, Luxair provides airport services
by reducing noise generated by takeoffs and Luxair for choosing the 737-10 to support at Luxembourg Airport and manages air
landings at Luxembourg Airport. its growth and improve the passenger cargo operations efficiently.
A new MANPADS (Man Portable Air Defence The new VSHORAD missile is a supersonic, It is being designed to allow a smooth in-
System) VSHORAD (Very Short Range Air fire and forget, all-day interceptor, equipped tegration either on current (VTLM2 by IDV
Defence) solution is being showcased by by a seeker with image processing capabil- with Leonardo turret, as displayed on MBDA
MBDA for the first time at the ongoing ities and can target fighters, helicopters, stand) and on future vehicles, equipped by
airshow. small drones. automated turrets.
The new MANPADS VSHORAD solution The man-portable VSHORAD solution will
is under development for the Italian Army be suitable for paratroops and amphibious
and is now ready to be marketed to export forces, while giving tactical advantage when
customers. mounted on military vehicles.
The system is in development following This VSHORAD system will also be inte-
an Italian Army operational requirement grated in Sky Warden, MBDA’s modular,
expressed last year for a very short-range scalable, and evolvable flagship system to
man portable air defence missile. counter unmanned aerial systems (C-UAS).