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Second RAF Protector at Waddington                                            GA-ASI training involved RAF Operational
                                                                                      Conversion Units (OCUs), which are com-
        Starts Ground Trial, First Flight in August                                   prised of eight crews, including pilots, sen-
                                                                                      sor operators (SOs), and mission intelli-
                                                                                      gence coordinators (MICs) from 31, 54, or
                                                                                      56 Squadrons. The training provides the
                                                                                      foundational skills required to operate the
                                                                                      Protector air vehicle and its equipment,
                                                                                      including the Multi-Spectral  Targeting
                                                                                      System (MTS), Synthetic Aperture Radar
                                                                                      (SAR), Mission Intelligence Station (MIS),
                                                                                      and System for Tasking and Real-Time
                                                                                      Exploitation (STARE).

                                                                                      MQ-9B delivers exceptionally long endur-
                                                                                      ance and range, with auto takeoff and
                                                                                      landing under SATCOM-only control, and
                                                                                      will be able to operate in unsegregated
        The United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force (RAF)  undergoing RAF crew training, test, and  airspace using the company-developed
        now has two Protector RG Mk1 Remotely  evaluation in the United States.       Detect and Avoid system. In addition to
        Piloted Aircraft (RPA) operating at RAF                                       the RAF, contracts have been signed with
        Waddington. The first flight of the second  “We’re thrilled to see a second Protector op-  Belgium, Canada, Taiwan and the U.S. Air
        Protector is expected in August, with the  erating at Waddington,” said Chris Dusseault,  Force in support of the Special Operations
        aircraft’s ground trial already on.    GA-ASI’s vice president of MQ-9B in Europe.  Command. The Japan Coast Guard is cur-
                                               “The Royal Air Force is a great partner for  rently operating the MQ-9B for maritime
        Protector is based on the MQ-9B  GA-ASI, and we look forward to additional  operations, which the Japan Maritime Self-
        SkyGuardian RPA developed by General  MQ-9B aircraft operating in the U.K. and  Defense Force (JMSDF) also selected for its
        Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-  more broadly across Europe.”         Medium-Altitude, Long-Endurance (MALE)
        ASI), which is showcasing its capabilities                                    Remotely Piloted Aircraft System  Trial
        at the ongoing Show. The RPA is and is  Meanwhile, the first of four cadres of RAF  Operation Project. MQ-9B has additional-
        specially configured for the RAF. The RAF  aircrew recently ccompleted training at  ly supported various U.S. Navy exercises,
        has taken delivery of 10 of their total order  GA-ASI’s Flight Test and Training Center  including Northern Edge, Integrated Battle
        of 16 Protectors , with eight aircraft currently  (FTTC) in Grand Forks, North Dakota. The  Problem, and Group Sail.

        Vietjet, Airbus Sign Deal for 20 A330neo Aircraft

        Vietjet and Airbus have signed a contract for                                 domestic and regional to long haul routes.”
        the acquisition of 20 new-generation wide-
        body A330neo (A330-900) aircraft, valued                                      “The award-winning Airspace cabin also
        at USD 7.4 billion according to the manu-                                     enables airlines to provide the best flight
        facturer’s list price, during the Farnborough                                 experience for passengers, fully adaptable
        International Airshow 2024.                                                   to each business model. This will be the
                                                                                      perfect platform for Vietjet Air to fly more

        This deal is among the largest announced                                      people, farther and at lower cost, while
                                                                                      also reducing fuel consumption and carbon
        at this year’s Airshow. The new aircraft will   “Passengers will soon enjoy safer, more  emissions.”
        be utilised for Vietjet’s expanding long-haul   comfortable, and modern long-haul flights.
        services and high-demand regional routes.   Airbus planes have enabled Vietjet to bring  The A330neo boasts an award-winning
        They are set to replace the airline’s current   cost-effective flying opportunities to over  Airspace cabin that offers passengers a
        A330-300 fleet, supporting Vietjet’s strategic   200 million passengers, including many  unique flying experience with features such
        goal to expand its intercontinental flight   first-time flyers, connecting peoples, nations,  as a new lighting system, larger overhead
        network.                               and continents, promoting economic devel-  bins, and access to the latest in-flight en-
                                               opment and cultural exchange,” she added.  tertainment and connectivity systems.
        “The new A330neo aircraft strategically en-                                   Powered by the latest generation Rolls-
        hance Vietjet’s fleet development, boosting  Benoît de Saint-Exupéry, Executive Vice  Royce Trent 7000 engines, the A330-900
        the airline’s operational capacity to support  President Sales, Airbus Commercial Aircraft,  can fly 7,200 nm / 13,300 km non-stop.
        its global expansion. The introduction of  commented: “We are pleased to finalise this
        advanced, fuel-efficient A330neo aircraft  milestone order with one of Asia’s fastest  Vietjet, with a fleet of over 105 aircraft and
        into Vietjet’s fleet is part of our sustain-  growing carriers. This is another vote of  a steadily increasing passenger volume, is
        able development strategy and ESG goals,  confidence in the latest generation Airbus  actively expanding its intercontinental flight
        aiming for Net-Zero emissions by 2050,”  widebody product line. It demonstrates the  network. The airline is developing new and
        said Vietjet’s Chairwoman, Dr. Nguyen Thi  tremendous A330neo versatility for all types  modern fleets in collaboration with global
        Phuong Thao..                          of business models and networks from  strategic partners such as Airbus.

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