P. 5

Together the two parent companies operate
                                                                                      in more than 60 countries, with HMG’s global
                                                                                      presence in 42 countries and Luxaviation
                                                                                      operating in 23.

                                                                                      Supernal is developing an eVTOL vehicle
                                                                                      that will travel 60 miles and cruise at 120
                                                                                      miles-per-hour to meet the growing demand
                                                                                      for efficient transportation options in urban
                                                                                      environments. Supernal, which is displaying
                                                                                      S-A2, its full-scale eVTOL vehicle product
                                                                                      concept, at the Show, plans to enter the
                                                                                      market in 2028.

                                                                                      “The need for more sustainable aviation
                                                                                      solutions is global, while specific trans-
        Supernal and Sigma Air Mobility                                               portation needs are local,” said Christophe

        Collaborate on AAM Market Development                                         Lapierre, CEO, Sigma Air Mobility. “Together,
                                                                                      Sigma Air Mobility and Supernal can expand
                                                                                      access to Advanced Air Mobility by match-
        Supernal and Sigma Air Mobility have an-  operating Supernal electric vertical takeoff  ing our solutions with the markets where
        nounced a joint effort to identify and develop  and landing (eVTOL) aircraft and providing  they will be best suited.”
        targeted markets for future AAM infrastruc-  vertiport development and operations and
        ture and investments, targeting key markets  related services.                “Supernal is building relationships with lo-
        in South and Southeast Asia and potential                                     cal government leaders ready to embrace
        opportunities in Southern Europe.      Announced on the second day of the ongo-  innovative solutions to decarbonize trans-
                                               ing Show, the partnership unites Supernal  portation,” said Jaiwon Shin, president of
        The collaboration is intended to leverage  and HMG’s expertise in eVTOL design and  Hyundai Motor Group and CEO of Supernal.
        the companies’ combined expertise to lead  manufacturing with Sigma and Luxaviation  “Supernal and Sigma Air Mobility share not
        in the visioning, launch and scale-up of  Group’s global presence and extensive ex-  only a vision for Advanced Air Mobility, but
        decarbonized and accessible air mobili-  pertise in aviation fleet and infrastructure  also complementary business goals to ad-
        ty networks in these regions, with Sigma  operations, training and technical services.  vance the industry.”

        Embraer 20-Year Market Outlook                                                larger narrowbodies will be the successful
                                                                                      fleet strategy for the next 20 years,” said
        Forecasts Demand for 10,500                                                   Arjan Meijer, Embraer’s President & CEO
                                                                                      of Commercial Aviation. “The post-pan-
                                                                                      demic environment is different in so many
        Sub-150-seat Jets and Turboprops                                              ways. The business/leisure passenger mix
                                                                                      is different. Demand patterns are different.
                                                                                      The corporate workplace is different. And
                                                                                      e-commerce is booming. Carriers are adding
                                                                                      capacity in big markets, yet smaller cities
                                                                                      still need to stay well-connected to airline
                                                                                      networks with high frequency air service. We
                                                                                      believe aircraft in the sub-150-seat category
                                                                                      are the most efficient and cost-effective to
                                                                                      address that need.”

                                                                                      The Market Outlook also contains analysis
                                                                                      of the cargo aircraft market and cites new
                                                                                      opportunities for small-narrowbody freight-
                                                                                      ers resulting from the projected growth in
        Embraer’s Commercial Market Outlook 2024,  aircraft benefit when complemented by  online commerce.
        published on the second day of the ongoing  smaller narrowbodies in the sub-150-seat
        Show, estimates 10,500 orders for new jets  segment, the Market Outlook said.   Highlights: World passenger traffic, mea-
        and turboprops through 2043.                                                  sured in revenue passenger kilometers, has
                                               A mixed fleet of small and large narrow-  returned to 2019 levels except for the Asia
        The relevance of the small narrowbody  bodies is the best way to serve the diverse  Pacific/China region. RPKs are forecast to
        category is increasing. Larger aircraft are  characteristics of an airline network, the  grow 4% annually through 2043. Asia Pacific
        not always economically or operational-  report said. “Small narrowbodies go where  (including China) comes first in annual RPK
        ly optimal for medium and lower-density  bigger jets cannot, do so more frequently,  regional growth rate at 5.0%, follwed by Latin
        markets, particularly when multiple daily  and usually more profitably. “     America at 4.9%, Africa and the Middle East
        frequencies are essential for those cities                                    at 4.4%, Europe at 3.3 % and North America
        to stay well-connected. Fleets with these  “A mix fleet of sub-150-seat jets and  at 2.4 %.

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