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JEKTA Partners with ZeroAvia                                                  proton exchange membrane (LTPEM) PGS
                                                                                      solutions and novel high-temperature PEM
                                                                                      (HTPEM) fuel cells for hydrogen-electric
        for Fuel Cell Amphibious Aircraft                                             aerospace applications.

                                                                                      “The JEKTA team shares our vision of in-
        Switzerland-based JEKTA has announced  suitable fuel cell system, we can offer our   troducing clean aircraft propulsion systems
        its selection of ZeroAvia’s fuel cell power  potential operator clients the choice of two   into commercial operations. We are noting
        generation system (PGS) to demonstrate a  fuel sources. The hydrogen system delivers   a resurgence in the seaplane market, and
        fuel cell variant of its electric amphibious  a viable alternative to electric battery power   we’re excited to work with an innovative
        flying boat, the PHA-ZE 100. This collabo-  that promises a significant increase in the   company that is leading and shaping the
        ration aims to integrate the system as the  range of our PHA-ZE 100, which will suit   future of amphibious aviation. We see the
        PHA-ZE 100 variant is introduced to the  operators serving longer regional routes.   huge potential for creating zero-emission
        market.                                In contrast, the battery power option will   amphibious flights, and we believe hydro-
                                               suit shorter-range missions and operators
        While battery technology is advancing,  flying in locations where electric power is   gen-electric propulsion will play a big role
                                                                                      in this market,” said Val Miftakhov, CEO of
        JEKTA remains committed to exploring  more cost-effective and accessible,” said   ZeroAvia.
        all potential avenues to               George Alafinov, CEO of JEKTA Switzerland.
        enhance the range and                  “ZeroAvia holds a strong market position   ZeroAvia is also involved in global hydrogen
        payload of its zero-emis-               with secure financing, an             infrastructure projects and has partner-
        sions aircraft. The PHA-ZE                                                     ships with nearly 20 airports to explore the
        100, powered by ZeroAvia’s                                                            concept of operations and the hy-
        fuel cell PGS, is expected to                                                              drogen refuelling ecosystem
        achieve a range of up to 500 to                                                                needed to support route
        600 km and increase payload                                                                    adoption. The compa-
        capacity by up to one tonne,                                                                   ny has pioneered the
        further enhancing the airframe’s                                                              testing of electrolyzers
        capabilities. Additionally, a hydrogen fuel                                                for on-site hydrogen gener-
        system could lower operating and main-  impressive set of                     ation, hydrogen pipeline technology, and
        tenance costs, supporting a lifespan of up  customer commitments and well-developed   aircraft refuelling equipment in airport envi-
        to 20,000 hours. JEKTA and ZeroAvia will  infrastructure, which all contributed to our   ronments. Alafinov sees these as essential
        closely collaborate to develop and certify  decision to work with them.”      components for supporting an efficient
        an integrated PGS, including inverters, other                                 regional amphibious aviation network and
        electronic components, and a hydrogen tank   ZeroAvia is already testing its entire hydro-  plans to work closely with ZeroAvia on
        and fuel system.                       gen-electric powertrain (ZA600) in a 19-seat   both optimising the PGS installation in the
                                               testbed aircraft. The company has devel-  PHA-ZE 100 and exploring infrastructure
        “By working with ZeroAvia and defining a  oped a range of flexible low-temperature   development with operator customers.

        Oerlikon and MTU Aero

        Engines to Establish Smart

        Thermal Spray Factory

        Oerlikon and MTU Aero Engines have  production chain of aerospace components.
        agreed on the next phase of the collabo-  Toby Middlemiss, Head of Aerospace at
        ration agreement signed at Paris Airshow  Oerlikon, says: “Collaborating with MTU
        2023 to establish a smart and standardized  Aero Engines on this project is a testament
        thermal spray factory of the future. “We are  to our shared commitment to innovation, ex-
        excited to partner with Oerlikon to establish  cellence and digitalization. We look forward
        a state-of-the-art thermal spray factory,”  to leveraging our expertise and resources
        says Markus Zeis, SVP Enablement at MTU  to create a smart factory that sets new
        Aero Engines. “This initiative represents a  standards in production processes of the
        major step forward in our efforts to enhance  aerospace industry.”
        efficiency, quality, and sustainability using                                 advanced measures by tracking every part
        thermal spray production.”             To address the complexity of the project  throughout the production process, ensuring
                                               tasks and ensure seamless integration  complete transparency and accountability.
        By leveraging this cutting-edge technolo-  of systems and processes, Oerlikon and  The creation of a digital twin, simulating the
        gy and integrating digital processes, the  MTU will establish a cross-functional proj-  production of aerospace components to
        companies aim to achieve an unprecedent-  ect team. One important key element is  enable real-time monitoring, analysis, and
        ed level of productivity, efficiency, quality  achieving 100% digital traceability on the  optimization is another crucial component
        and transparency throughout the entire  part level through the implementation of  of the initiative.

        FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL AIRSHOW 2024                                                               JULY-24-2024 7
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