Page 22 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 1
P. 22

Export Opportunities Abound for ATAK

        Turkish Aerospace’s T129 ATAK twin-en-                                        rotorcraft offerings meet the
        gine attack helicopter is now in operation                                    requirements of countries in
        with two export customers in the Philippine
        and Nigerian Air Force, in addition to the                                    the region  very well. So we are
        Turkish Land Forces Command and Turkish                                       hopeful and encouraged with
        Ministry of Interior. The T129 ATAK, which
        can operate in day or night, has proven                                       the success and interest shown
        its high performance capabilities in hot,                                     by the countries, whether it is
        high, and maritime conditions. Its advanced                                   Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia
        observation and targeting systems and
        precision weapons capability provide lethal                                   and others. Africa is also a big
        fire support to surface forces with reduced                                   potential market for us, as is the
        collateral damage.                                                            Middle East."

        Turkish Aerospace is now eyeing greater
        export prospects for the attack helicopter.    Dr Mehmet Demiroğlu,           Export Performer
        Speaking to Daily News in September, Dr   General Manager, Turkish Aerospace  The Philippine Air Force (PAF) has complet-
        Mehmet Demiroğlu, who recently took over                                      ed the induction of all six Turkish Aerospace
        as General Manager at Turkish Aerospace.   batch of six helicopters. They     T129 ‘ATAK’ helicopters ordered in July
        said the T129 is the best helicopter in its                                   2020. The last of six T129s was delivered
        class. The T129 has been tested by a num- like the ATAK and as I said, the    to the PAF’s 15th Strike Wing earlier this
        ber of countries in varying conditions, and   product is very good. We are  May. “These dedicated attack helicopters
        the helicopter has passed the tests with   very confident that it will serve   are expected to enhance the combat oper-
        flying colours. “We are working on     all the needs of Philippines or        ational capability of PAF and address the

        more exports and are currently                                                capability gap identified in urban warfare,”
        in discussions with Nigeria and        any other government agency  a PAF spokesperson said.
        the Philippines for the sale of        in the region.”                        The  Philippines  is  the  first  export  cus-
        more T129 ATAKS.” Regarding the  Commenting  on  the  market  prospects       tomer to receive the T129. The PAF has
        sale of additional T129s to the Philippines,  for Turkish  Aerospace,  Demiroğlu  said,   also requested for the integration of a few
        Demiroğlu said, “we are in discus- “SE Asia is a growing and im-              American weapons, which is expected to be
                                                                                      completed sometime in the near future. The
        sions for the sale of a second         portant market for us, as our  helicopters were ordered in July 2020 and

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