Page 10 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 1
P. 10


                     “Research & Development, Innovation

                            Essential to Enhancing Aselsan’s

                        Competitiveness on a Global Scale”

        Aselsan, one of Türkiye’s R&D leaders, broke   practices that can compete with the world’s   immediate feedback through the field tests
        a historical record in 2023 by spending a to-  best R&D-oriented companies. We believe   to further improve our systems tailored to
        tal of 19.486 million TRY on R&D and 16.695   that R&D and innovation are essential to   their needs.
        million TRY on external R&D. Ahmet Akyol,   enhancing Aselsan’s competitiveness on
        Aselsan’s President & CEO, in an exclusive   a global scale.
                                                                                      What are the key areas of R&D research at
        interview with Atul Chandra, Technology   Aselsan  has  introduced  an  integrated  Aselsan and why?
        Editor at Global Business Press, talks about   roadmap that outlines our technology and
        the R&D ambitions of the fast growing de-  product plans over multiple years, illustrat-  At Aselsan, we’re working on a wide range
        fence firm, which currently has nine R&D   ing their interconnections. This roadmap   of technologies, from telecommunications
        centers and over 6,700 employees working   enables us to evaluate how each R&D   and information technology to radar, guid-
        at its R&D facilities.                                                          ance, avionics, electro-optics, defence
                                                project aligns with the products we aim
                                                to bring to market. Additionally, it includes   systems, as well as transportation, energy,
                                                a timeline for R&D activities and product   health, and smart systems. We’re always
        How important is R&D at Aselsan?        launches, prioritizing key technologies to   keeping an eye on the latest advancements
         As Türkiye’s leading defence company   streamline the transition from research to   in these areas and directing our efforts to
         and a global technology hub, research   final products, ultimately accelerating our   ensure we stay ahead. We focus on prom-
         and development is a top priority for us.   go-to-market process.              ising technologies such as quantum, arti-
         We take pride in being one of the leading   We also work closely with companies   ficial intelligence and advanced materials
         companies in Türkiye in terms of R&D   within our ecosystem, including but not   and utilizing them in our products. We have
         investment and the number of R&D per-  limited to ToT, to speed up the produc-  a strong R&D team constantly developing
         sonnel. This commitment allows us to   tization process when needed. Through   innovations in-house. Alongside this, we
         develop industry-leading and transforma-  this type of collaboration, we are able to   leverage our strong ecosystem, which
         tive products in their fields. At Aselsan,   get our products to the market faster and   includes partnerships with other tech com-
         aligned with our mission to be among R&D   more efficiently. We also work closely   panies and universities, to co-develop and
         leaders, we adopt innovative management   with our customers to ensure that we get   integrate the latest technologies.

        10  OCTOBER-22-2024                                                                      WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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