Page 3 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 4
P. 3

We are One and Together!

                                                                                      Hakan Fiden, Türkiye Foreign Minister

                                                                                      I wish God’s mercy upon our brothers who
                                                                                      were martyred in the vile terrorist attack
                                                                                      against TAI in Ankara and a speedy recovery
                                                                                      to the wounded.

                                                                                      We will continue our fight with determination
                                                                                      against all terrorist elements and the forces
                                                                                      that feed them, both at home and abroad.

                                                                                      In the coming period, we will continue to
                                                                                      strengthen our national defense capabilities
                                                                                      and will never allow the groups and their
                                                                                      proxies targeting Turkey to achieve their
                                                                                      ambitions over our country.

                                                                                      Prof Haluk Gorguin, President of
                                                                                      Turkish Defence Industry
        A pall of gloom descended on the SAHA  fair calendar. The 4th Day on Oct 25 will be   We are one and together!
        Expo show site  on Day 3 following the death  business as usual.              We know very well the real target of the vile
        of five people in a  heinous terror attack                                    terrorist attack targeting TAI.
        on the headquarters of Turkish Aerospace   Condolences and Condemnation came in
        Industries (TUSAS) in Ankara  on the after-  from all quarters:               We will never turn back from this path that
        noon of Oct 23.                                                               we embarked on with the power and support
                                               Recep Tayyip Ergodan, President of Turkiye,   of our nation.
        It was one of the first attacks targeting a  in a tweet condemned the attack:  Our dear nation must know that a dishon-
        Turkish defence equipment manufacturing                                       orable and treacherous attack can never
        company. “We know the motives of the   The terrorist attack against TAI, one of the   achieve its goal and can never intimidate
        terrorists. But we will not bow down to any   locomotive organizations of the Turkish   the children of the homeland who work day
        threats. These attacks will only make us   defense industry, is a vile attack targeting   and night for the security of their country.
        stronger. Our defence industry will grow   the survival of our country, the peace of
        from  strength  to  strength,”  Minister  of   our nation, and our defense initiatives that   May God have mercy on our martyrs and
        National Defence Yasar Guler said at the   are the symbol of our “Fully Independent   I wish a speedy recovery to our veterans.
        memorial ceremony at the SAHA Expo.    Turkey” ideal.

        Chairman of the Board of SAHA Istanbul   From the first moment of the terrorist attack,  Aselsan
        Haluk Bayraktar echoed a similar feeling.   our security forces quickly intervened and   We are one and together!
        “Such treacherous attacks only make us   neutralized the terrorists.
        stronger and cement our solidarity. We will   Our nation should know that the dirty hands   We condemn the treacherous terrorist at-
        carry our country and our defence industry   reaching out to Turkey will definitely be bro-  tack on TAI and want our dear nation and
        further. No power will be able to stop us on   ken; no structure, no terrorist organization,   everyone to know that this vile attack target-
        this path leading to Turkey’s full indepen-  no evil focus targeting our security will be   ing our defense industry will never achieve
        dence in every field.”                                                        its goal or intimidate us.
                                               able to achieve their goals.
        “We hereby declare once again that as the                                     May God have mercy on our martyrs and
                                                                                      we wish a speedy recovery to our veterans.
        SAHA Istanbul family, we will continue to   Our fight against all kinds of terrorist threats
        walk more determinedly, shoulder to shoul-  and their supporters will continue with de-
        der with all our stakeholders, towards the   termination, resolve and in a multi-dimen-  Roketsan
        goal of a fully independent defence indus-  sional manner.                    We are one and together!
        try,” Bayraktar asserted.              I pray to God to have mercy on our broth-  We condemn the treacherous terrorist at-

        Minister  of  Industry  and  Technology   ers who were martyred in the treacherous  tack on TAI and want our dear nation and
        Mehmet Fatih Kacir, who also attended   terrorist act and wish a speedy recovery to  everyone to know that this vile attack target-
        the ceremony, said, “We will work harder   our wounded.                       ing our defense industry will never achieve
        to spite the traitors. We will produce more.”                                 its goal or intimidate us.
                                               I extend my best wishes to our nation and
        There was an unanimous declaration that   the devoted employees of TAI, the source   May God have mercy on our martyrs and
                                                                                      we wish a speedy recovery to our veterans.
        there will be no change in the SAHA Expo   of pride for our defense industry.

        SAHA EXPO 2024                                                                                   OCTOBER-25-2024 3
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