Page 8 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 4
P. 8
Roketsan Shows-Off Precision Munitions
The Turkish missile house Roketsan is dis- 2.75” rockets and guided anti-tank missiles. artillery round is still in the development
playing new products for the first time at Also unveiled is the LG-155 laser-guided phase, company officials told Daily News.
SAHA Expo. At the centre stage was a new artillery round which will have a range of The new L-OMTAS laser guided medium
vehicle mounted CİRİT launcher. Configured 25 km. The guided artillery munition weighs range Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM)
for special missions on a 4x4 chassis, a 50 kg, with a 22 kg High Explosive (HE) will be able to precisely engage armored
quadruple launcher has been fitted on the warhead. The munition features inertial targets. The ATGM features a IR Imaging
vehicle. Four missiles are also carried on- aided mid-course guidance with a laser Infrared seeker and will be available with
board the vehicle for a second-strike ca- guided terminal phase. Fired from 155 four different warhead types. Each round
pability. It will be able to engage targets mm howitzers, it can be used to engage will weigh 32 kg. The L-OMTAS will have a
as far away as 8 km, enhancing the strike artillery and air defence systems, radar range of 5.5 km and can be used to strike
capability of Special Forces (SF) units. The and command and control sites, logistics fixed and moving targets, tanks, armoured
CİRİT was originally designed by Roketsan facilities, assembly areas and other high-pri- vehicles, soft-skinned vehicles and concrete
to fill the tactical gap between unguided ority targets. The LG-155 laser-guided blockhouses.