Page 5 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 4
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purposes. The information should flow
        from the headquarters to the soldier as
        well, after the headquarters analyses the
        situation based on details received from
        different teams on the field. It is a truly
        collective operation.”

        The company’s Digital Soldier product fam-
        ily comprises CENGAVER, Mixed Reality
        Product Family ASGER, C4I Product Family
        DOOB, and middleware software OCTOPUS.
        The Digital Soldier concept involves equip-
        ping the soldier with CENGAVER, digital sol-
        dier solution developed to monitor the health
        and activity data of military personnel. The
        DOOB product family ensures top-level in-
        formation flow between units in the field
        and the headquarters as a C4I (Command,
        Control, Communication, Computers, and
        Intelligence) system. ASGER incorporates
        Mixed Reality (MR) technology into mil-  the soldiers on the field will still be able to  From the country, we sell to other neigh-
        itary operations. Data from CENGAVER   remain connected and have continuous  bouring countries. We are in advanced stag-
        and UAVs are displayed in real-time and   communication.”                     es of discussions with some companies.”
        in three dimensions through both screens
        and MR glasses via the ASGER system.   The system is equipped with components
        CENGAVER, DOOB, and ASGER communi-     such as the Activity and Health Tracking   It may vary from year to year, but 70 to 80%
        cate through middleware software called   Watch, Portable Computer, Positioning Unit,   of the company’s business comes from
        OCTOPUS, which has been developed in   and Radio, which work in integration with   the defence side, says Ünal. “Our history
        accordance with JDSS (Joint Dismounted   the DOOB-Mobile command and control   is military applications and software. Our
        Soldier System) standards. OCTOPUS or-  application via Bluetooth.            international sales on the military side is
        ganizes data transfer between systems,                                        good, but there is a tremendous scope for
        ensuring seamless integration of all units   Growing Internationally          improvement. We are working hard on that.”
        in the field and at headquarters. This allows
        for faster tactical decision-making.   The company’s products are based on input  A large chunk of its international business
                                               from the Turkish Armed Forces. “We are a  comes from regions such as the Asia Pacific
        “The soldier will be able to see the map  software company, a solutions company,  and Central Asia, says Ünal. “We are very
        and the location,” says Ünal. “He can see  an integration company. We have a lot of  good in these regions.  Also, the Middle
        where he is, where his friends are, where his  ex-military staff with engineering back-  East, and in our homeland, of course. We
        enemies could be. It gives him situational  ground. Everything we do, we do together  have started to infiltrate into Africa, North
        awareness. He will also get guidance from  with the Turkish Armed Forces. It is based  Africa mainly.  Some sales have already
        the headquarters. This will work not just for  on some requirement of the armed forces.”  happened on the military side in the region.
        individuals but groups.
                                               Havelsan has been successful in finding  The split in revenue between the domestic
        “The small smart wristlet, which works on  customers for its unmanned systems in-  and international side of the business for
        ultra-wideband and also GSM, will be car-  ternationally, says Ünal. “We are doing very  the military segment has seen change over
        ried by each and every soldier. It looks like  good with the export of the VTOL; we have  the years, says Ünal. “On average, 30 to 40

        a smartwatch but has different capabilities.  sold them to quite a few countries. As for  % of our business comes from international
        It is for the security and safety of the sol-  the UGV, we are discussions with some  customers. But this year, it looks like a
        dier. Even in case of a malfunction in com-  countries. We look at big countries and if  50-50 split. We have been very successful
        munication from soldier to headquarters,  it is possible to invest for local production.  this year.”

                                          Editorial Director       Arun Sivasankaran           Art Director
                                          Vittorio Rossi Prudente  Sudheesh Kularmunda
         PUBLISHED BY             Atul Chandra 
                                          Editorial Team                                       Sales Director
                                          Jay Menon                Yulian Ardiansyah           Akshay Satyamurthy

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