Page 6 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 4
P. 6

Aselsan Unveils New Network-Based Communication Systems

                                                                                      the network. It satisfies the environmental
                                                                                      condition features required for use in aerial
                                                                                      platforms. ARTCom 6993-A primarily sup-
                                                                                      ports the Wideband Networking Waveform
                                                                                      mode and the V/UHF Air AM and FM modes.

                                                                                      T-Link National Tactical
                                                                                      Data Link Terminals
                                                                                      The National Data Link (T-Link) Project has
                                                                                      been developed to provide a national solu-
                                                                                      tion for the tactical communication needs
                                                                                      required in the operational field. To estab-
        Aselsan has unveiled new network-based  by ASELSAN using domestic capabilities,  lish a comprehensive tactical communica-
        communication systems at the ongoing  is housed within a radome with high RF  tion network in the operational field, T-Link
        show.  The  ACROSAT  KA45-A  Airborne  permeability. Manufactured using additive  System must be integrated into both sta-
        Satellite Communication Terminal, ARTCOM  manufacturing techniques, the 45 cm Ka-  tionary and mobile airborne, ground, naval
        6993-A Mini Airborne Radio and National  band Airborne Satellite Communication  and missile platforms. Tactical information
        Tactical Data Link Terminals are striking  Terminal offers a lightweight, high strength,  transmitted across all platforms included
        examples of Aselsan’s assertion in the field  and compact design, making it suitable for  in the network via encrypted and electronic
        of communications.                     confined spaces. Its unique design ensures  warfare resistant terminals and software
                                               superior RF performance.               that enable secure, network-based, data
        ACROSAT KA45-A Airborne                                                       and voice communication. This ensures
        Satellite Communication Terminal  ARTCOM 6993-A Mini                          seamless and reliable communication in
                                               Airborne Radio                         dynamic operation scenarios, enhancing the
        The  45  cm  Ka-band  Airborne  Satellite                                     overall efficiency and security of the mis-
        Communication Terminal enables secure  ARTCom 6993-A Mini Airborne Radio is an   sion-critical communication infrastructure.
        and high-speed satellite communication  avionic equipment that operates in the V/
        on the move in all types of operational and  UHF band (30-512 MHz) and, depending
        environmental conditions. It offers custom-  on the operating mode, has voice and data   T-Link system consists of various types
        izable system solutions to meet diverse user  communication capabilities. In Wideband   of terminals (T-Link LOS-A, T-Link LOS-C,
        needs. Specifically designed for various air-  Networking Waveform mode, it can act   T-Link LOS-MG, T-Link BLOS) and software
        borne platforms and featuring precision sta-  as a relay to extend the communication   designed to be compatible with platform
        bilization, the terminal, uniquely developed  area between elements as a subscriber of   types.

        Kale Arge and its KTJ Series Engines

        Turkish Turbine Engine company Kale Arge  Newton, it can operate at a range of 6000
        is showcasing its KTJ series of engines.  meters altitude and attain a speed up to

        The indigenous engines KTJ-1750, KTJ-  0.95 mach.
        3200S, KTJ-3200A and KTJ-3700 are on  “We are rapidly continuing our development
        display.                               and mass production activities to end our
        These engines do power the Nato-Turkish   country’s external dependency in the field
        armed forces missiles systems such as   of missile engines,” he added.
        Cakir,  SOM,  Atmaca  and  Kara  Atmaca  Kale Are has an in-house altitude test facility
        respectively.                          for verifying key performance characteris-
                                               tics of its own turbine engines at altitude
        “Our indigenously developed KTJ1750 ,   and Mach speed conditions up to 10,000
        KTJ3200 and KTJ3700 turbojet missile
        engines have successfully completed their   meters altitude level and 0.95 Mach speed.
        flights with Roketsan ‘s Çakir, Atmaca and  “In addition to Turkiye’s first and only alti-
        Kara Atmaca platforms in the firing test  tude test system, we have endurance test
        campaigns organized to date,” the official  bed, special engine test systems, including
        said.                                  water ingestion, distortion tests, combus-

        The KTJ-3700, according to the official, is   tion chamber test rig, test rigs for control
        light weight of 50 kilogram and have lower   and accessories, and other test systems,”
        fuel consumption. With a thrust of 3700   the official said.

         6  OCTOBER-25-2024                                                                      WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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