P. 29
Working on a
Wide Range
of Unmanned
Aerial Systems
Group Captain Dr. Nattapol Niyomthai (Ph.D),
Director Aero Technology Industry Limited
hailand based Aero The DP21 will be the largest MALE Q Can you provide further
Technology Industry UAS from ATIL and this programme details on ATIL’s plans for the
Limited (ATIL), is now is planned to start in February DP20/DP20A?
T working on a wide range of 2025. Current plans call for the first
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) DP21 to make its maiden flight in In March 2023, we began train-
such as the DP16, DP18, DP20 and Thailand in 2027. Thailand’s Board ing the Royal Thai Army to fly the
DP21, with foreign collaboration. of Investment has mandated that DP20. We flew the DP20 to 25,000
“ADTL is now focussing on armed there must be 100% manufacturing feet and a distance of 250km and
drone variants that will dramatically of these systems in Thailand within succesful with all the tests, includ-
enhance the capability of the Royal three years. We have also been ing the various failure modes such
Thai Armed Forces,” says Group receiving export requests, with an as communication loss, control loss,
Captain Dr. Nattapol Niyomthai overseas team visiting the compa- which were also tested.
(Ph.D), Director Aero Technology ny’s facilities in Thailand in October
Industry Limited, in this exclusive 2023. The country in question is
interview to our Technology Editor, keen to conclude a contract with This was a major milestone for us.
Atul Chandra. ATIL for UAVs soon. The DP20 is being manufactured by
ATIL in Thailand and at present, two
DP20s are being operated by ATIL.
Q What are the major devel- ATIL is also planning to work on Two additional DP20As will be pro-
opments underway at Aero even bigger drones and work on our cured as well. An expert team from
Technology Industry Limited? biggest model is planned to start the manufacturer also is slated to
in February 2025. It is planned to join our team. ATIL has been work-
ATIL is now focussed on an armed have a 20 m wingspan and will be ing on the DP20 since 2019 and
variant of the DP20 Medium Altitude able to stay in the air for as long as development of the armed DP20A
Long Endurance (MALE) UAS, 42 hours. We are now in the design is planned for completion by 2026.
known as the DP20A. We are work- stage and it will also be able to We will also look to build the DP20A
ing on a total of four drone variants carry four types of weapons. We are in Thailand, following acceptance
including the DP18, DP20 and working hard to have the first flight by the Royal Thai Army and this will
DP21 which are being configured to of this UAV in two years, which will happen after 2026. But of course, if
meet the operational requirements be 2027. This is because we have the R&D work proceeds faster than
of the Royal Thai Army. The DP20 already learnt a lot from the DP18A planned, then we may be able to do
is configured for ISR missions. and DP20A programmes. this even sooner.