P. 30
The DP20 will primarily undertake to travel to the target and hit the We have been working very hard
intelligence surveillance and recon- bullseye on a 5m/5m, target. in this space for many years and
naissance (ISR) missions for the many of our DTI colleagues have
RTA in addition to border patrol, fire This test was a major success over 10 years of experience in this
calibration and battlefield assess- for us. The weapon used was the field and deep interactions with the
ment targeting and positioning AG-001 laser guided bomb, which defence industry. With the experts
missions. The armed DP20A has will be integrated on the DP20A and from overseas countries guiding our
four hard points, which can also delivered to the Royal Thai Army team we have been able to make
carry dual-payload bomb racks to within the next three years. The quick progress. In Thailand, ATIL
carry multiple weapons. AG-001 is currently in production has worked very hard as it is the
in Thailand with production of the first time in Thailand that we are
Q How is weapons testing AG-002 laser guided missile slated working on these drones.
on these drones progressing to begin shortly. The AG-002 will
in Thailand? also be integrated into the DP20A.
Coming to the DP18A, ATIL will We also worked in very close
The DP16A will only be used by develop this new family of X-tail cooperation with the Civil Aviation
ATIL for weapons testing and trials. UAVs and start production. ATIL Authority of Thailand (CAAT) to get
Once this is done, we will focus on is constructing the manufactur- the required airspace approval for
the DP18A, DP20 and DP21A. The ing facility for this which is nearly flight testing and weapons test-
first bomb test was completed by ready, which will manufacture the ing in Thailand. We also worked
ATIL using the DP16A in July 2023. DP18A. This UAV will have a range closely with the Royal Thai Army
The target was engaged using a of 200km and an endurance of 12 to use their weapon test ranges for
dummy warhead, which was des- hours. weapons testing. We also worked
ignated by the RTA using a laser to ensure that we were ready to
designator from a distance of 1km. cooperate with the various
The munitions were launched from Q What explains the very fast
for our work..
a distance of 2km away and an alti- progress in the development of defence export controls needed
tude of 7,000m, taking 25 seconds these drones?