Page 9 - VIETNAM DEFENCE EXPO 2024 - Day 1 | GBP
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Cuong and Vietnam’s Communist Party  the Pentagon, the State Department and  thus giving a fillip to Vietnam’s plans to
        leader To Lam. According to a statement  Congress.  Any major arms deal with the  develop an indigenous defence industry.
        released by China’s defence ministry,  US will also adversely impact Vietnam’s
        Zhang expressed Beijing’s willingness  growing relationship with China.  In 2023, South Korea achieved a ma-
        to deepen relations with Hanoi, including                               jor milestone by becoming one of the
        the promotion of a healthy and stable   Advantage South Korea?          top 10 arms exporters in the world,
        development of military relations. The                                  selling US$14 billion worth of defence
        two countries have also signed pre-  With Russia’s arms exports taking a hit  technology to 12 countries. Its defence
        liminary agreements as part of their  because of the ongoing conflict with  firms now sell products to customers
        decision to boost security and defence  Ukraine and Vietnam likely to choose  in multiple regions, from Australia to
        industry ties. The presence of Chinese  an equidistance policy with regards to  countries in Southeast Asia, the Middle
        defence companies at the ongoing fair  its defence ties with the US and China,  East and Europe.  The types of weapons
        is a sign of the growing relationship  the door is open for other arms suppli-  systems exported, which includes tanks,
        between the two countries; Chinese  ers to step in and fill the gap. Although  howitzers, warplanes, Multiple Rocket
        gear was not on display at the 2022  defence firms in European countries are  Launcher Systems, armoured vehicles,
        exposition.                         keen to sell weapons to Vietnam, the  and offshore patrol vessels, doubled
                                            country is likely to instead turns towards  from 6 to 12 in 2023. The country, which
        Although US-made arms are in high de-  South Korea, which has emerged in  ranked 31st among arms suppliers in
                                                                                2000, has now set itself an even more
        mand for their quality and long shelf life,   recent years as a major arms supplier.  ambitious goal of becoming the world’s
        defence analysts do not expect Vietnam                                  fourth-largest arms exporter by 2027.
        to sign any major defence contract with  In addition to South Korean defence
        Washington in the near future. They  equipment being technologically ad-  “Maritime security and air defence is
        cite three major reasons - high price  vanced and less expensive compared  where Vietnam has the biggest need,
        of US-manufactured equipment, the  to its Western equivalents, the country  but I would expect Vietnam would
        fact that US arms are not interopera-  has earned a reputation for manufac-  start with maritime security first, as
        ble with Russian supplied equipment,  turing defence equipment quicker than  this dovetails with U.S. expectations,”
        and the lengthy approval process for  most other countries. Another factor  says Alexander Vuving, professor at the
        military sales in the US that involves  that works in favour of South Korea is  Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for
        getting the nod from the White House,  that it is willing to transfer technology,   Security Studies in Hawaii.

        VIET NAM INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXPO 2024                                              DECEMBER-19-2024 9
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