Page 15 - AAA JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Online Magazine
P. 15
Headline News
Execujet Asia wins approval customers in Malaysia, Indo-
nesia, Philippines, Thailand
Singapore and Indonesia.
The ExecuJet Aviation
Group is a global business
aviation organisation offering
a diverse range of services in-
cluding pre-owned and new
aircraft sales, aircraft man-
agement for private and com-
mercial registered aircraft,
aircraft charter, aircraft main-
tenance, aircraft completions
management and fixed base
The group manages 150
business jets worldwide and
is headquartered in Zürich,
Switzerland. ExecuJet has op-
ExecuJet Asia’s Malaysian laysia DCA, the Philippines and management companies erations in six regions - Africa,
operation has been awarded CAAP and the Isle of Man with corporate aircraft rang- Asia, Australasia, Europe,
the first direct Cayman Is- CAA, together with the ap- ing from Cessna Citation, Latin America and the Middle
lands Aircraft Maintenance pointment last year by Bom- Gulfstream, Embraer, Airbus East, embracing a workforce
Organisation approval in bardier as an Authorised and Boeing Business Jets. The of over 800 staff.
Malaysia, known as an Line Facility on all models. Civil Aviation Authority of ExecuJet Asia operates in
OTAR Part 145 Option 2 ap- “This approval is very im- the Cayman Islands (CAACI) Beijing and Tianjin Binhai
proval. portant to ExecuJet and its is the statutory body respon- Airport, China, as well as
This will permit ExecuJet Malaysian base given the in- sible for aviation regulatory Subang International Air-
Malaysia, based in Subang creasing numbers of Cayman oversight throughout the port, Kuala Lumpur.
Airport, to work on Cayman registered aircraft operating Cayman Islands and for air- In a Joint Venture with
registered Bombardier Glob- within South East Asia” says craft registered in the Cay- Tianjin Haite ExecuJet has
al Express Series, Challenger Graeme Duckworth, manag- man Islands. launched a full service busi-
300, Challenger 604/605 and ing director ExecuJet Asia. ExecuJet Malaysia has been ness aircraft maintenance
Gulfstream GIV/SP aircraft The Cayman Islands Air- in operation for two years and and management company
and compliments the ap- craft Registry is the registry focuses on aircraft mainte- in Northern China based at
provals granted by the Ma- of choice for many owners nance and management for Tianjin Binhai Airport.
Star partners sign MoU flights between the two cities.
SIA has been codesharing
on SAS-operated flights be-
Singapore Airlines and proval, the airlines are to par- three weekly flights between yond Copenhagen, to Helsin-
Scandinavian carrier SAS ticipate in joint operations, Singapore and the Danish ki, Oslo and Stockholm. SAS
have signed a memoran- including the coordination capital Copenhagen. The car- has in turn been codesharing
dum of understanding that of flight schedules and joint riers say the partnership is on SIA-operated flights be-
could result in direct ser- sales activities. expected to lead to growth in tween Copenhagen and Sin-
vices between Stockholm “Such joint operations are air services between Singa- gapore as well as on selected
and Singapore. expected to enhance effi- pore and Scandinavia, and, flights between Singapore
Under the terms of the ciency while giving the trav- depending on market condi- and Bangkok.
MoU, the Star Alliance part- elling public greater choice tions, pave the way for a new Oneworld carrier Finnair
ners plan to co-operate on ex- and flexibility,” the two car- route between Singapore started direct flights between
isting as well as new flights. riers claim. and Stockholm. No airline Helsinki and Singapore last
Subject to regulatory ap- SIA currently operates currently operates non-stop year.
15 January/February 2012 ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS