Page 14 - AAA JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Online Magazine
P. 14
Headline News
Turkish Technic Sabiha Gökçen International 737-800s. It has an order for
Airport will further enhance 40 Boeing 737-NGs of which
joins Airbus network the customers’ choice of ser- 26 had been delivered by the
end of last year. Pegasus runs
vices in the region.”
“We are delighted to join scheduled domestic flights
such an outstanding busi- as well as scheduled inter-
Turkish Technic has be- members to establish per- ness network” said Dr. Ismail national flights to 50 destina-
come the seventeenth main- formance benchmarks for Demir, general manager of tions in 23 countries.
tenance provider to join the maintenance efficiency and Turkish Technic. “l believe Turkish Technic has also
Airbus worldwide MRO customer satisfaction. we will find many oppor- recently agreed a deal with
network. “It gives us great pleasure tunities for cooperation and Indian component support
The Airbus MRO Net- to welcome Turkish Tech- performance benchmarks company SSSI. The compo-
work is designed to provide nic to the Airbus MRO Net- for important MRO issues in nent maintenance agreement
customers with a worldwide work” said Didier Lux, exec- the sector.” covers the repair of Airbus
choice of competitive, qual- utive vice president, Airbus Meanwhile, Turkish A320 family components.
Technic has recently signed Component maintenances
a deal with Pegasus Air- will be carried out at Turkish
lines to extend the Boe- Technic’s facilities in Istanbul,
ing 737-NG Wheel & Tire servicing more than 10.000
Services Contract between different part numbers.
them. The current contract SSSI is an Indian joint ven-
includes services of wheel ture between EADS/Airbus,
and tires for Pegasus Boe- its Indian partner, Airspace
ing 737-NG aircraft that are Infrastructure and its Turk-
equipped with steel brakes. ish partner, Airlogic, which
The new extended contract offers component and logis-
will also include servicing tics support services on Air-
wheel and tires for aircraft bus aircraft aircraft.
that have carbon brakes and Last year, Turkish
lasts until 2017. Technic received Part21
ity maintenance services Customer Services. “Turkish Pegasus Airlines, also (EASA.21J.418) design organ-
from MRO providers with Technic has decades of expe- based in Istanbul and which isation approval, allowing
Airbus aircraft experience. rience in maintaining com- operates from Sabiha Gokcen it to perform minor design
Since its launch in March mercial aircraft, and their International Airport (SAW/ changes and maintenance
2005, Airbus has worked new maintenance facilities Turkey), has a fleet of 39 air- on cabin interior, avionics,
with the MRO Network under construction at the craft of which 34 are Boeing and structural issues.
Strong 2011 for Al Bateen Business Aviation Airport,
providing the highest calibre
FBO handling services.”
Al Bateen Executive Air- Airport commented: reflecting its growing inter- The airport registered
port, operated and managed “2011 was a very impor- national reputation as the 8,775 commercial aircraft
by Abu Dhabi Airports tant and successful year for preferred business aviation movements in 2011. Jones
Company (ADAC), saw a Al Bateen Executive Air- destination or stop over in continued: “The development
11% increase in overall com- port for several reasons. Not the Middle East. Further- of DhabiJet and the new FBO
mercial aviation movements only did Al Bateen continue more, the launch of the new and Flight Operations facili-
in 2011 and more than a 50% to grow its overall traffic DhabiJet FBO brand with its ties means that visiting VIP
increase in visiting business strongly, but it also man- impressive dedicated pilot customers and crew can now
aviation traffic. aged to attract over 124 new and crew facilities is a clear experience not only a highly
Steve Jones, General Man- first time international busi- indication that Al Bateen in- professional handling ser-
ager, Al Bateen Executive ness aviation customers, so tends to remain a world class vice; but the best facilities.”
14 ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS January/February 2012