Page 23 - AAA JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Online Magazine
P. 23


       constructing  and  choosing  the  right  to further build up its capability on the  where strong growth is expected. The
       design structure that would minimize  Airbus family.                     HAECO Inventory Technical Manage-
       the risk of damage from severe weather   Measuring approximately 96 meters  ment business is based in Hong Kong,
       such as typhoons, says LTP.          in  width  and  88  meters  in  depth,  the  with  excellent  logistics  infrastructure
          At the construction site, west of the  hangar  will  be  able  to  offer  space  for  and freight network coverage to serve
       facility’s existing 4-hangar bay, stands  one widebody and two narrowbodies  airline needs around the world.
       approximately  1,500-tonnes  of  steel  or four narrowbody aircraft.       “We are delighted to have reached a
       structure  organized  into  three  inter-  LTP will benefit from a new agree-  significant  milestone  with  Cathay  Pa-
       connected zones. The first and lowest  ment struck between Luftahnsa Tech-  cific, strengthening the strategic posi-
       zone was constructed in the traditional  nic and Virgian Atlantic last year. The  tion of this business in our portfolio,”
       manner  while  the  second  and  third  deal will see the early extension of the  said  Mr.  Augustus  Tang,  HAECO’s
       higher  zones  were  constructed  on  current  five-year  base  maintenance  CEO.  HAECO    and  Taikoo  (Xiamen)
       ground  and  raised  to  height  as  com-  contract  for  the  airlines´  Airbus  A340  Aircraft Engineering Company Limit-
       plete  sections  using  special  hydraulic  fleet by a further six years through to  ed (TAECO) - a subsidiary of HAECO,
       lifting equipment. After all three zones  2019.  The  base  maintenance  services  recently  acquired  49%  shareholding
       were properly interconnected, the team  are carried out at LTP.          that SR Technics holds in Shanghai SR
       installed  the  roof  atop  the  35-meter   Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, HAECO  Aircraft Technics Company (SR Shang-
       high structure.                      has entered into a memorandum of un-  hai). The company has been renamed
          LTP  held  a  groundbreaking  cer-  derstanding with Cathay Pacific for the  Shanghai Taikoo Aircraft Engineering
       emony early last year as it announced  management  of  the  group’s  airframe  Services  Company  Limited  (STA)  to
       its new hangar project, representing a  rotable components.              take  up  the  line  maintenance  servic-
       US$30-million  investment  and  capac-  The transaction is expected to yield  es  at  Shanghai  Pudong  International
       ity expansion. The project is expected  benefits  in  component  asset  utilisa-  Airport.  TAECO  and  STA  will  work
       to  boost  LTP’s  capability  in  servicing  tion, pool synergy, business scalability,  together  to  provide  line  maintenance
       the  growing  range  of  Airbus  models  supplier  relationships,  and  physical  services for customers. There are three-
       that  includes  the  A320,  the  A330  and  component  repair  capability  develop-  shareholders of the company, HAECO,
       the  A340.  It  would  also  give  LTP  the  ment  opportunities,  putting  HAECO  TAECO and Shanghai Foreign Aviation
       option  to  accommodate  the  A380  air-  in a strong position to secure potential  Service Corporation (FASCO). TAECO
       craft which would allow the company  customers  in  the  Asia  Pacific  region  and STA now serve 39 airline custom-

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