Page 21 - AAA JANUARY- FEBRUARY 2013 Online Magazine
P. 21


                                            Fuels Initiative; James Rekoske, VP   row is fantastic,” said Hall enthusiastically.
                                            and GM of the Renewable Energy and   “It’s a massive week with the aerospace
                                            Chemical Business Unit at Honeywell;   and defence exposition and the airshow,
                                            Frederic  Eychenne,  New  Energies  and I am looking forward to not only
                                            Programme Manager, Environmental    performing a new routine in the MXS, but
                                            Affairs, Airbus; and Jennifer Holmgren,   meeting as many people as possible and
                                            CEO  of  LanzaTech,  the  conference  aims   talking about aviation.”
                                            to highlight some near- and medium-    British flying ace Mark Jefferies will
                                            term opportunities for the production of   also be making an appearance at the event.
                                            sustainable jet fuel.               Speaking to the press, Jefferies said, “I
                                               In addition, industry professionals   am indeed very excited to be displaying
                                            will be offered the chance to network   the Awesome Extra 330LX at the Avalon
                                            during the event’s Business-to-Business   Airshow in 2013 in my upside down, down
                                            Networking Progamme.                under flight display. My display sequence
                                                                                will include various extreme aerobatic
                                            In the air                          manoeuvres that are designed to show the
                                            And finally, what’s an airshow without   sometimes  unbelievable  capabilities  of
                                            some flying? Among others, Australia’s   the Awesome Extra 330LX, and these are
        AbOVE: Visitors can                 ‘Top Gun’ Matt Hall, who was formerly a   sure to be crowd pleasers.”
        converse in comfort                 Red Bull Air Race pilot and who performed   You may also want to keep your eyes
        with Avalon’s new and               at 2011’s Avalon airshow, will be putting   peeled for the Breitling wingwalkers and
        improved facilities                 his MSX-R through its paces with a   American performer Skip Stewart.
        OPPOSITE: A range of
        service and solutions               10-minute aerobatic display.           Whether attending for business or
        providers – from familiar              “Avalon is the number one ticket   just for fun, the Australian International
        names to new players –              on the Australian airshow scene and is   Airshow and Aerospace and Defence Expo
        will keep the exhibition            considered a major event globally, so to be   will surely keep you abreast of the latest in
        floor bustling                      able to perform for the second time in a   Asian aviation developments.
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                             JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2013  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  21
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