Page 20 - AAA JANUARY- FEBRUARY 2013 Online Magazine
P. 20


                                                                                showing too, with popular models such as
                                                                                the Phenom 100, Phenom 300, and Legacy
                                                                                650; the Learjet 60x; and the G650, G450
                                                                                and G280, respectively. And for those who
                                                                                missed the unveiling of Piaggio Aero’s
                                                                                twin-engine turboprop, the P180 Avanti,
                                                                                don’t fret – you can see it in the flesh, so to
                                                                                speak, at Avalon2013.
                                                                                  It’s not just business jets on display.
                                                                                Visitors should keep an eye out for the
                                                                                A400M from Airbus Military, which will be
                                                                                taking part in a flying display. Reportedly
                                                                                close to receiving full Type Certification,
                                                                                delivery of the first A400M is expected to
                                                                                occur in Q2 2013, one of four deliveries
                                                                                scheduled for the year. As such, the
                                                                                airshow is a good opportunity to see the
                                                                                aircraft in action.
                                                                                  Other   exhibitors  expected  at
                                                                                Avalon2013 include Lockheed Martin,
                                                                                Northrop Gumman, BAE Systems, EADS,
                                                                                Saab, Thales, CAE and Singapore-based
                                                                                Aviall. Some new players in the game
                                                                                include US-based CEi, whose speciality is
                                                                                aerial target systems, and Australian firm
                                                                                Avia. The latter’s display will feature its
                                                                                new full-motion, six-axis flight simulator,
                                                                                which is expected to debut this year.
                                                                                According to Avia’s website, performance
                                                                                is identical to airline simulators, and “the
                                                                                simulator cockpit environment features
                                                                                up to three Garmin G1000 screens and
                                                                                200 degrees of outside visibility”.

                                                                                Around the table
                                                                                Aside from the exhibits, Avalon2013 also
                                                                                features a programme of conferences,
                                                                                including several that are invitation-only,
                                                                                such as the Air Chiefs Symposium. But
                                                                                there are other options available too.
                                                                                  Safeskies,  Australia’s  biennial
                                                                                aviation safety conference, will be hosting
                                                                                two seminars covering topics such as
                                                                                technology and fatigue risk management,
                                                                                and technology  advances in sport and
                                                                                recreational aviation. Also  on  the menu
                                                                                – and in line with recent trends towards
                                                                                greener aviation – is an event titled Low
             Exhibitors expected at Avalon2013                                  Carbon Jet Fuel: The Industry Flight
        include Lockheed Martin, Northrop                                       Path. Featuring speakers such as Jim
        Gumman, BAE Systems, EADS, Saab,                                        Lane, Editor and Publisher of  Biofuels
                                                                                Digest and  BioBased Digest; Richard
        Thales, CAE and Singapore-based Aviall                                  Altman, Executive Director Emeritus
                                                                                of Commercial Aviation Alternative
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