Page 31 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2013 Online Magazine
P. 31

FeATure Mro JoinT venTures

        a JV deal with UTC Aerospace to provide   have a management system more or   Nonetheless, the other factors which
        an inaugural MRO service for Boeing   less [based on] those of the FAA (Federal   make having a presence in Asia attractive
        787  Dreamliner  nacelles;  a  major  vote   Aviation Authority) or EASA (European Air   still outweigh the demands of setting up
        of confidence in the regional provider.  Standards Authority),” he says. “In my   JVs or other operations in the region. As
        As Chang Cheow Teck, president of ST   opinion, due to the different situations and   AFI  KLM’s Moreau notes,  with  a quick-
        Aerospace puts it, “we are indeed very   cultures, I don’t expect there will be single   growing  fleet  and  many  new-generation
        honored to be licensed by UTC Aerospace   body in short term.           aircraft, the scale of the MRO market
        Systems as the inaugural MRO service   Certainly, unlike the centralised   in Asia is slated to become even bigger
        provider for Boeing 787 nacelles.”   political and regulatory structures seen in   than  the  impressive  rate  of  current
           With a global MRO network and    the US or Europe, the Asia Pacific region   fleet expansion. “Those companies who
        comprehensive capabilities, ST Aerospace   has to focus on maintaining good multi-  focus on developing technology for new
        will be using the agreement to work with   lateral relations and collaboration on   products and on the customer’s need …
        UTC Aerospace Systems to offer support   key regulatory issues on an ad-hoc basis,  will be more successful in the market,” he
        for Boeing 787 operators worldwide, not   notes APAA’s Herdman. As he points out,  asserts.
        just regionally.                    many regional air services agreements   And as Lufthansa Technik’s Reinert
                                            are subject to bilateral negotiations   points out, the rewards are only likely to
        Sign-off strictures                 between governments – but he does see   increase for those nimble enough to work
        In any JV, regulation and certification can   light at the end of the tunnel.  with the market and local conditions.
        be  a  challenge.  As  AFI  KLM’s  Moreau   “Progressive liberalisation has ensured   “The Asian market presently outgrows
        notes, most countries across the region   that the industry has always been able to   other  markets.  It  is  a  big continent  with
        have their own airworthiness authority,  respond quickly to developing demand and   most of the world’s population living there,
        which means a potentially confusing   evolving market requirements. Asia Pacific   and wealth and mobility are increasing,
        web of various certification demands   aviation has grown spectacularly over the   which needs aviation,” he points out.
        as JVs expand the coverage of the local/  past two decades, and as a region, we are  “Therefore the aviation industry and with it
        international operations taking part.  strongly supportive of the work done by   MRO will grow.”
          “Airworthiness Authorities  like CAAC   ICAO  in  establishing  …  global  standards   Encouraging  news  indeed  for  those
        (Chinese Aviation Authority of China)   and regulatory guidance,” he observes.  looking East.
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                                 JULY / AUGUST 2013  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  31
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