Page 13 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 13


             We are competing for talent with alluring                          management school INSEAD, aimed at
                                                                                providing aviation professionals with a
             high-tech software and mobile companies                            broad, cross-functional executive training
             and start-ups                                                      to prepare them for leadership positions.
                                                                                  Aviation planners must continue to
        – Bob Bellitto, Global Sales Director, Boeing Flight Services           learn from our experiences and adjust
                                                                                strategies to respond to new technologies
                                                                                and demands of the industry. The industry
        people. “The key is in rallying the industry   aviation specialisms. Opportunities at the   needs to take a long-term approach in
        to work on this long-term strategy with us,   nation’s tertiary education establishments   the development of human capital, keenly
        even as the benefits may only be realised   are also varied, covering areas such as   aware of the critical role that manpower
        in the long-term,” it says in a report.  civil aviation management, aerospace   plays as it strives to grow a safe and
           Indeed, it seems Singapore has   engineering, aerospace manufacturing   vibrant civil aviation industry.
        all the bricks available – it just needs   and more. This offers students more   “As an industry, we have to get the
        to build with them. The country has   chances  to  gain  valuable grounding in   next generation excited about working
        developed a robust education and training   targeted segments of the aviation industry   in the field of aviation,” says Boeing’s
        infrastructure to support the growth   – not just becoming a pilot.     Bellitto. “We are competing for talent
        of the aviation industry. So in spite of   Education and training establishments   with alluring high-tech software and
        the lack of aviation training capacity   like Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University   mobile companies and start-ups. We’re
        globally, this is not the case in Singapore;   and Cranfield University have established   working hard to showcase our industry as
        Seletar Aerospace Park in particular has   programmes  with  Singapore’s  Aviation   a truly global, technological, multifaceted
        enormous capacity for expansion, and has   Academy (SAA). In addition, SAA has   environment where individuals from all
        already attracted many big global names   launched a new advanced management   backgrounds and disciplines can make a
        offering training across a broad section of   programme  in  civil  aviation  with  significant impact.”
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                             SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2013  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  13
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