Page 15 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 15


        sometimes need persuading to put cargo   these options involve a considerable cost.   Air cargo plays a
        at the heart of their economic strategies.  He says it is very expensive to “develop a   critical role in driving
                                            high level of security surveillance systems
        Second (and third, and fourth) view  for efficient  security  checks that  screen   economic growth
        But the problem with a neat and universally   travellers and personal baggage to allow   and development
        applied  air  cargo  regime  is  not  just  that   rapid throughput of individuals while still   but this is not always
        some  cargo specialists  have decades-  providing a high level of security”.
        old fleets that fly to some of the world’s   Leong is absolutely right, and as   fully appreciated by
        more disreputable airports which may or   Tyler observed earlier, the cost of   governments
        may not be keen on paper (or electronic)   air  cargo  is  crucial  to  its  successful
        work. It is that everybody wants to be an   expansion.  He  says  that  last  year  saw   – Tony Tyler
        expert, and use their set of rules that   a 2% decline in both air cargo demand
        everybody else bends to and applies. The   and  yields,  and  that  although  “there  are
        US Department of Homeland Security,   early signs that an upturn is on the way
        the World Customs Organisation (WCO)   […] we must strengthen the industry’s
        the European Union, ICAO, and many
        sovereign states all think they know best.
           “Since 9/11, standards for security   ASIAN ExPANSION
        set by ICAO, IATA, EU and state authority   According to Boeing’s annual aviation forecast, Asia will continue to lead
        have been developed and applied        the world air cargo industry in average annual growth rates, with domestic
                                               China and intra-Asia markets expanding 8.0% and 6.9% per year, respectively.
        through the world with varying degrees   Latin America markets with North America and with Europe will grow at
        of success,” notes Alfred Leong of the   approximately the average 5% to 6% growth rate, as will Middle East markets
        Asian Professional Security Association   with Europe. The more mature North America and Europe markets reflect
        (APSA), Singapore Chapter, in a report.   slower and thus lower-than-average traffic growth rates.
        He observes that on a business front, all
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