Page 18 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 18
Mitch Nichols, President, UPS Airlines
What to do? best approach to the maze of regulations
Having established that there are a myriad and requirements. In its industry report,
different regulators, would-be regulators available at, it says it supports
and players to satisfy in the air cargo field, “consistently high standards of physical
the question remains – how to improve the and data security, reflected in compliance
practicalities of security. As APSA’s Leong records and regular audit results, [that]
notes, “Managing air cargo security must should secure simplified processing for
become part of the business solutions as formally authorised traders, carriers
security is always a cost factor.” Leong and intermediaries”. This refreshingly
says that in addition to industrial cargo, straightforward position underlines
the growth of cargo transportation on TIACA’s aim to bring market forces behind
passenger flights has surged considerably cargo control systems. As the organisation
in recent years and warrants the need to accurately observes, “Associated
maximise security. “With the vast volumes exclusion from simplified procedures will
ABOVE, RIGhT: Even with and variety of goods transporting in add unjustifiable extra handicaps to start-
the correct paperwork aircraft for speedy delivery, it makes cargo up operations, particularly significant
or e-tracking tags, many security inspection a difficult and complex among small and medium-sized
consignments will still be
subject to x-ray and other task,” he adds. enterprises.” Just the ones that anybody
forms of scanning and The International Air Cargo wishing to circumvent security and plant
screening as a precaution Association (TIACA) offers possibly the nasty surprises would look for.
One report noted that airfreight took an average of six days from origin to
destination, of which only eight hours were allocated to actual flight-time.
Ground movement took 12 hours. The remaining five days were due to delays,
primarily at customs. Air cargo shipments require as many as 30 paper
documents. Global air cargo paperwork is estimated to be sufficient to fill 80
747 cargo aircraft every year.