Page 19 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 19
With the increase in small and private control and certification from authorities’
courier services, the need for screening of all sites in general,” he adds. Mitch Nichols,
president of UPS Airlines, agrees.
cargo, despite size and urgency, becomes A strong proponent of the IATA-backed
more important e-freight system, Nichols says the removal
of much of the paperwork would boost the
industry, without pushing costs elsewhere
Most air cargo today is screened by Kelly, TSA’s GM, Air Cargo Transportation – such as the freight forwarding sector.
physical search, x-ray, explosive trace Sector Network Management reported, “We went from a paper-intensive to data-
detection, explosive detection system, “TSA does not expect that 100% screening driven system because that’s what we
trained dogs, or any specialist sniffer will be attainable for inbound cargo needed to do to become more efficient,”
detection equipment certified by the US- on passenger aircraft.” So if this all he said at a recent symposium in the US.
based TSA. However, due to space and sounds like something of a wasteful and “If I can absorb that cost by becoming
resource limitations, “de-palletised” ineffective duplication of effort, it probably more efficient, the forwarder will be able
screening and then reconsolidating is. Some airlines are coping, some are to see that opportunity as well.”
shipments poses a major challenge, and outsourcing. Paolo Ricciotti, Director of That’s assuming the various bodies
can often lead to imperfect screening, Ground Services at Air Astana says that have decided who is going to be the leader,
or part-screening. And as customs the airline conducts its own security who will set the rules, and who will police
authorities would never be able to cope audit that checks all areas of handling them. At the moment it seems the ball is
with this huge task, many operators have including cargo several times a year. Any still in the umpire’s hands, waiting to be
Certified Cargo Screening Program (CCSP) additional checking is done by the security thrown – but nobody knows what direction
approved operators do the groundwork. department of the airport. or who to. Air cargo is slated to be a good
These include manufacturers, warehouses, Ricciotti notes that with the increase future earner for airlines facing uphill
third-party logistics operators, distribution in small and private courier services, battles in the LCC and passenger markets.
centres, and forwarders, and must be the need for screening of all cargo If the various parties and bodies can stop
approved and certificated by TSA before despite size and urgency becomes more trying to be the big boss and imposing
their cargo inspections are validated. important. “As well as understanding their set of rules and simply sort out the
Even so, in March 2009 testimony to the and following of legislation from courier’s cargo security issue, they might be able to
US Homeland Security’s Subcommittee, Ed offices, strengthening of requirements, start playing efficiently.