Page 22 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 22
Rob Watkins, Senior VP,
aircraft industry is fast approaching a booking, checking, costing or scheduling SITA Global Services
commodity market is extremely important. - becomes service-based rather than
Although Airbus does not mention it functionality-based. The user does not
specifically, there is much background have to understand or be trained to use
noise about the move to cloud computing “a system”. It is transparent across all
backbones, with the attendant savings in users, no matter what the level of data
cost, ease of multiple access, and expansion complexity, security or accessibility.
flexibility. Many operators are moving away That, says Watkins, creates a completely
from security-fenced concrete bunkers different user dynamic. That this dynamic
that house their critical business data and works better is borne out by the facts –
secrets, to a web-hosted model that is when was the last time you met anybody
rented by the operational hour much like that booked a flight through a travel
many aircraft power plants now are. agent? Online rules completely, today.
“The Cloud has made a massive
difference,” asserts SITA’s Watkins. “It’s Aisle or window?
created a consumption-based world that The key bonuses of the increased digital
marks a fundamental change from the old automation of aviation systems are
way of doing things.” The ability of the cloud first in cost savings when it comes to
to act as a transparent repository of data managing aircraft, and second: customer
accessible by almost any connected device information. As TESCO in the UK proved
of any type or operating system makes as they steamrollered high street grocery
a huge difference to users’ perception sales, knowing your customer means
– and acceptance. “We’ve transferred knowing where you can make money.
management of the complexity from the Today, with online booking and information
customer to [the operator],” he adds. registration services, airlines can
For the airline, airport or passenger this access and interpret the torrent of data
means the connected experience – be it generated by their systems as potential
The boffins are not content with seeing people book, check in and consign
baggage by smartphone – they want better. This means taking a whole new
look at how next generation passenger systems are designed. Surveys
reveal that customers want to use their devices for web-based, social
media and mobile connectivity for the whole course of the trip – from ABOVE, LEfT: Choosing
booking to check-in, and from boarding to car hire, plus booking a temple seats online or via a mobile
visit mid-air. In short, they increasingly expect seamless and personalised app is a norm these days
service on demand, at any stage of their journey, anywhere and everywhere OPPOSITE: Finnair uses
they travel, as they travel. Sounds like a big ask? If the current pace of Lufthansa’s popular
improvement continues, expect all this within a year or so. automated check-in system