Page 25 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2014 Online Magazine
P. 25


                                            replaced by new batteries with higher   wings. A six kilowatt electric motor, drives
                                            energy density later in the programme.  the aft main wheel not only providing power
                                            This  will  boost  flight  endurance  up  to  90   for taxiing but also for acceleration up to 60
                                            minutes (from 45 to 60 minutes at present).  kmph during take-off.
                                               The batteries are housed inboard of the   Certification will be a challenge for
                                            wings outside the cockpit and also help   E-Fan as current certification rules do not
                                            manage the Centre of Gravity (CG) of the   cover electric propulsion! This could take
                                            aircraft. They are provided with venting and   three years and its “partners are working
                                            passive cooling to maintain temperatures   with airworthiness authorities to define
                                            within acceptable limits. Battery cell   the appropriate certification rules.” says
                                            parameters can be monitored via on-  Airbus Group Innovations,  The next step
                                            board sensors which display the health   is to certify its use by aero clubs and also
                                            and temperature of individual cells. Airbus   setting-up of manufacturing process
                                            Group Innovations stresses that “Extensive   for production variants. E-Fan’s flight
                                            research and stress testing has proven that   parameters will be similar to existing
                                            the E-Fan battery system provides ample   training aircraft as per France’s Direction
                                            safety margins.” The fully certified E-Fan   Générale de l’Aviation Civile (DGAC), which
                                            will also feature a quick change system to   is also funding the programme. “More
                                            replace the batteries (they can be recharged   electric” aircraft will be the key to achieving
                                            in an hour). An optimised electrical energy   aviation  standards  of  the  future,  helping
                                            management system (e-FADEC) integrated   reduce  the  environmental impact  while
                                            into the aircraft, automatically handles all   lowering costs and increasing efficiencies.
                                            electrical features. The avionics and radios   The  all-electric  E-Fan  is  an  important
                                            are powered by an on-board 24 V electrical   first step in this endeavour. Its progress
                                            network and a backup battery is provided   and acceptance by the general aviation
        LEFT: Certification will            for emergency landing purposes.     community will be keenly watched.
        be a challenge for E-Fan               E-Fan also features a high tech main
        as current certification            landing gear that uses electrical power
        rules do not cover electric
        propulsion                          for taxiing without the need for the main
                                            engines to be used. Two electrically-
        RIGHT: E-Fan could be               actuated  wheels  (retractable)  are
        flying from aero clubs in           positioned fore and aft under the fuselage,
        France as early as 2017             in addition to two small wheels under the
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