Page 26 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2014 Online Magazine
P. 26

                SRILANKA ONEW

        SriLankan Airlines Joins oneworld

        First carrier in the subcontinent to join global airlines grouping By Subodh Agarwal

        srIlAnkAn AIrlInes hAs become       ‘oneworld’ chief executive Bruce Ashby.  nishantha  Wickremasinghe  says:  “With
        the first carrier in the subcontinent to   Ashby  also  hopes  to have Indian   the world airline industry increasingly
        join global airlines grouping oneworld,   passenger airlines on board the alliance   focused on alliances, joining oneworld is
        thereby strengthening its reach in the key   soon. “The club always scouts for the best   one of the most significant developments
        India market.                       airline in the world and as and when it   to date for SriLankan Airlines. Joining
           The national carrier of Sri Lanka,   comes across any such carrier, it will be   the alliance will help put SriLankan more
        which formally joins oneWorld alliance   open to induct it,” he says.  firmly on the global aviation map and
        on May 1, will  be flying alongside some   On the eve of its entry into oneworld,   vastly improve Sri Lanka’s connectivity
        of the world’s leading airlines including   SriLankan Airlines concluded code-share   with the rest of the world, which is vital for
        American  Airlines,  British  Airways,  agreements with two more oneworld   our country’s trade and tourism.”
        Cathay Pacific and several other member-  members, Finnair and Russia’s S7   SriLankan Airlines expects to earn $25
        airlines. It will also give it access to over   Airlines.              million revenues after joining oneworld.
        1,000 airports in 150 countries and a   SriLankan Airlines already has a code-  SriLankan  received  clearance  from
        combined fleet of some 3,300 aircraft.  share agreement with Malaysian Airlines,   oneworld to join its alliance only after
           Though SriLankan is a relatively small   which is also a oneworld member.  the airline successfully completed a
        carrier with a fleet of 21 aircraft, it will   Ashby says, “The addition of SriLankan   full review of its readiness conducted by
        help the alliance reach new destinations   Airlines concludes what has been the   Cathay Pacific which sponsored its entry
        in attractive markets. It dominates   biggest and fastest growth program   into the alliance.
        traffic to the Maldives, a popular leisure   by any global airline alliance, enabling   Air India is preparing to join the
        destination. Through Colombo, it also has   oneworld to consolidate its position as the   Star Alliance sometime in June or July.
        a significant network in Southern India.  first choice global alliance for frequent   India’s national carrier began the process
           “SriLankan is already participating   international travelers the world over.”  of  joining  the  grouping  in  December
        in Global Explorer, the round-the-world   The airline has virtually doubled in   2007 but in August 2011, the airline’s
        fare offered by all oneworld members   size since peace returned to its home   application for membership was put on
        and various airlines that are not part of   country four years ago and plans further   hold due to apprehensions expressed by
        the alliance. SriLankan Airlines network   substantial  expansion  to  its  fleet  and   other carriers that the airline would take
        will be covered by oneworld’s full range of   network in the next few years.  more time to meet the minimum joining
        alliance fares, the most extensive offered   It operates a fleet of 21 aircraft –   conditions due to the merger.
        by any of the global alliances, including   including eight Airbus A320s/321s, seven   Air India’s Chairman Rohit  nandan
        the market-leading Oneworld Explorer   A330-200s and six A340-300s– and has   says the airline has already completed
        round-the-world fare,” an airline official   orders for 10 new aircraft, including four   45 of the 64 requirements for joining the
        says.                               A350-900s.                         Alliance and will finish the remaining
           SriLankan’s official entry into the club   Its destinations include oneworld hubs   in May.“Some work, mostly related to
        of premier airlines was announced at a   Doha, Hong Kong, London Heathrow,Kuala   information technology aspects, will be
        grand ceremony at Mattala Rajapaksa   Lumpur, Moscow Domodedovo and Tokyo   completed by mid-May. Then we are set,”
        International Airport in Hambantota,by its   narita, along with Bangkok and Singapore.  nandan says.
        Chairman  nishantha  Vikremasinghe  and   SriLankan  Airlines’  Chairman
        26   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  MAY / JUNE 2014                         WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM
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