Page 29 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2014 Online Magazine
P. 29


        OPPOSITE TOP: The Recaro
        CL3710 weighs less than 12
        kgs and has sold more than
        20,000 units since its launch in

        OPPOSITE BOTTOM: A typical
        business class configuration
        on the Airbus A350 XWB. The
        XWB’s 220-inch fuselage cross-
        section allows for installation
        of the widest seats in its class
        says Airbus

        RIGHT: Recaro’s new CL6710 is
        a 180-degree full flat-bed seat
        which weighs a maximum of
        only 80 Kg

        a commercial airplane. Business Class   Definition (UHD) main display screen,   A growing trend amongst airlines is the
        and Premium Economy segments are the   Passenger  Control  Display,  Eye  Tracking   installation of seats with integrated tablet
        new battleground for airlines as they try   and Interactive Virtual Landscape Panel.   PC holders and USB charging points. It
        to generate more revenue from available   Interactive  Ultra  High  Definition  Main   allows the airlines to get rid of expensive
        seats on-board their aircraft.      screen  Display  Tightly  integrated  with   IFE systems, at the tome reducing aircraft
           Recaro Aircraft Seating, showcased   a Dynamic Pivoting Table Display and   weight and maintenance costs. As a result
        a couple of important products at this   advanced Graphical User Interface (GUI)   one can expect IFE options on short-haul
        year’s Aircraft Interiors Expo in Hamburg,   capabilities to easily pass media and   flights to become all but extinct by the end
        including its new CL6710 business class   graphical information from one display   of this decade
        seat for long-haul flights. According to   screen to the next with the hand motion of   Fourth  generation  IFE  systems
        Dr. Mark Hiller, Chief Executive Officer of   a swipe or motion of the eyes.  available today already make use android
        Recaro Aircraft Seating, the CL6710 sets   One out of every three new economy   operating systems and fifth generation
        new standards by combining a number   class seats worldwide were made   systems are likely to make use of gesture
        of factors in one seat. The 180-degree   by Recaro in 2013. It’s BL3530, an   control,  removing the  need for  costly
        full flat-bed seat combines high comfort   evolution of the highly successful   touch  screen  displays.  Sixth  generation
        with  the  possibility  of  a  high  density   BL3520 seat for short and medium haul   IFE systems could see the implementation
        cabin, offers excellent living space, direct   flights that has received 200,000 orders   of high resolution IR (Infra-Red) cameras
        aisle access, and a variety of stowage   worldwide since end 2010. The new   that track both eye movements, indicating
        opportunities. With a seat pitch of 46   seat,  weighs just  over ten kilograms   an associated cursor movement on the
        inches, it can provide a bed length of up   per seat, with a slim, space-saving   seat display.
        to 82 inches, making optimal use of the   backrest, enabling high-density layouts   Airlines will continue to invest
        available space. Depending on aircraft   with pitches from 28 to 34 inches. It has   in installing the latest seats and IFE
        type,  layout  and  individual  configuration,   a dedicated tablet PC holder, integrated   systems, catering for the requirements of
        the CL6710 can weigh of 80 kg.      power supply for charging and a pocket   the future.
           Even more futuristic is the innovative   for stowing portable electronic devices.   With the market for cabin seats and
        Immersive   Business  Class  Seat,  Another  Recaro product  that has been   IFE systems accounting for a major slice
        developed by Thales in conjunction with   well received is the CL3710, with   of the estimated USD 17 billion market
        BE Aerospace and design partners BMW   orders for nearly 20,000 units since its   for commercial aircraft cabin interior’s
        Design  Works.  It  features  advanced   launch in 2013. Weighing less than 12   by 2019, the action in this segment is just
        technology innovations like integrated   kilogrammes, making it the lightest   beginning to heat up!
        in-seat touchpad controls, an Ultra-High   product in its class.
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