Page 30 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2014 Online Magazine
P. 30


        Pushing the Boundaries                                                                 The PC 24 is the Swiss

                                                                                               Aircraft makers first
                                                                                               business jet
        On track to offer segment leading performance By J K Chandra

        swIss  AIrcrAft mAker  pIlAtus      first aircraft will take place in 2017, once   to have passenger seats that can be
        will announce key launch customers   EASA and FAA certification is obtained   removed or added in quick time. The
        and begin formal acceptance of orders   earlier that year.              forward area of the cabin also contains
        for its PC-24 “super versatile jet”, at the   Pilatus took into account the   a fully enclosed, externally serviceable
        (European Business Aviation Convention &   feedback of its vast number of PC-12   private lavatory.
        Exhibition (EBACE) convention in Geneva,   operator’s while designing the PC-24. As   To be certified for single pilot
        Switzerland in May.                 a result rough and short-field mobility is   operation, the PC-24 features an
           The all new twin-jet is expected to   likely to be exceptional, with the ability   “Advanced  Cockpit  Environment”
        cost approximately USD 8.9 million and   to operate from unpaved runways that   (ACE)  system,  which  was  developed  in
        sales and service representatives have   have a minimum length of at least 2,690   partnership with Honeywell and Pilatus.
        already been appointed for the new type   feet (820 m). Power from two Williams   On offer as standard equipment will be
        in Canada, Mexico, and Eastern Europe   FJ44-4A turbines, each producing a max   a Synthetic Vision System, Autothrottle,
        by Pilatus.                         take-off thrust of 3,400 lbf, helps the PC-  Graphical  Flight  Planning,  Traffic
           Pilatus’s first ever business jet has   24 attain a top speed of approximately   Collision Avoidance System (TCAS II),
        taken a while in coming and hopes to   787  km/h.  Maximum  range  with  six   and Localizer Performance with Vertical
        follow on the footsteps of the successful   passengers (1,200 lb payload) is stated to   (LPV) guidance capability.
        PC-12 turboprop which has sold over   be 3,330 km.                        Touted as combining the versatility
        1,200  aircraft  till  date.  Construction  of   A standard pallet sized aft cargo   of  a turboprop, with  the  cabin size of  a
        the first PC-24 prototype is underway in   door  will  offer  increased  flexibility  for   medium light jet, and the performance of
        full swing, at Stans, Switzerland and the   operators with cargo being carried   a light jet., Pilatus will be hoping that the
        type’s official roll-out will take place on   inside the heated and pressurised cabin.   PC-24 can attract sales from all these
        August 1st, this year. Deliveries of the   Customers  can  also  select  the  option   segments as well.
        30   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  MAY / JUNE 2014                         WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM
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