Page 33 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2014 Online Magazine
P. 33


          Boeing Delivers 8,000th 737
          Boeing has delivered the 8,000th 737 to
          come off  the production  line to United
          Airlines, marking another important   Wego partners with Saudi Airlines
          milestone for one of the world’s best-  Wego, the leading travel metasearch   Saudi Airlines, operating as Saudia,
          selling airplanes. The airplane, a   site in the Middle East and Asia Pacific   is the full-service national carrier of the
          next-Generation 737-900ER (Extended   has tied up with Saudi Airlines; the   Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The airlines
          Range), features a special logo.   Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s leading full   flies to 118 destinations globally, with
          The 737 is the first commercial    service carrier.                  a fleet of 153 aircraft, and additional
          airplane in history to reach this delivery   Speaking from the region’s premiere   aircraft orders for 2015.
          milestone. The program has a strong   travel industry event at the Arabian   Hazem SOnBUL, GM eCommerce
          backlog with more than 3,700 airplanes   Travel Market in Dubai, Chief Flights   Saudia Airlines said, “With Wego’s
          on order, including 1,934 orders for the   Officer, Dean Wicks said the partnership   vast reach and dominance as a travel
          new 737 MAX.                       will  ‘reinforce  Wego’s  continuing  search  engine  in Asia Pacific and
            “The   737  program  continues   strength and growth in the Middle East’.  the Middle East, it was a natural
          to innovate with new features and    “We are so thrilled to partner with   strategic move to partner with
          technology, meeting the needs of our   such an established and well respected   Wego,  this will increase our  brand
          customers now and into the future,”   airline and share their products through   exposure in Asia Pacific markets.
          said Beverly Wyse, vice president and   Wego’s inventory with travellers right   We have invested on online channels
          general manager, 737 program, Boeing   around the world,” commented Wicks.   to provide customers with the best
          Commercial Airplanes. “Boeing has a   “Saudi Airlines continues to expand   travel experience to build their travel
          long and treasured history with United   in  an  exciting  travel  market  that  has   itinerary with access to an extensive
          Airlines, and we’re proud they’re taking   enjoyed exponential growth, and only   global network on Saudia and its
          delivery of this milestone airplane.”  continues to escalate.”       global partners.”
            United was the first airline to order
          and take delivery of the 737-200.
          Since 1965, United has taken delivery   A350 undertakes water ingestion tests
          of more than 550 737s and operated   Airbus  has  successfully  performed  The results will be analysed by
          nearly every model.                certification testing to demonstrate the A350   the  Airbus Design  Office,  which will
            “We’re thrilled to celebrate this   XWB’s ability to operate on wet runways.  extrapolate them to predict a variety of
          huge achievement with Boeing,” said   During these tests at Istres, France,   typical operational scenarios.
          Ron Baur, vice president of fleet, United   the  flight-test  aircraft,  MSn004,  travelled   According  to  an  Airbus  official,
          Airlines. “The 737 has been an integral   through troughs containing at least   the A350 XWB’s  certification testing  is
          part of our narrowbody fleet and we   22mm of water depth, at a variety of   progressing well, and is on track for
          are  pleased  to  continue  this  tradition   speeds, starting at 60kts, and successively   certification in Q3 2014, to be followed by
          by being the  north American launch   increasing to around 140kts.   entry into service with Qatar Airways in
          customer for the new 737 MAX 9.”     This test validates how the aircraft   Q4. The first four A350s now flying have
          Baur said United’s 737-900ER delivered   would behave on a very rain-soaked   together accumulated around 1,600
          today, along with 737 MAX airplanes the   runway, and verifies that neither the   flight-test  hours and  over 350  flights.
          airline has on order, will replace older,   water under the aircraft nor the spray   The flight-test fleet will be completed
          less fuel efficient aircraft while providing   generated by the nose landing gear will   with  the  fifth  aircraft,  MSn005,  in  the
          a superior passenger experience.   enter the engines or APU.         coming weeks, he added.

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