Page 31 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2014 Online Magazine
P. 31



                                            Honeywell to help maintain Srilankan Airlines
                                             SriLankan  Airlines,  the  national  aircraft-to-ground communication.
                                             carrier of Sri Lanka, has assigned   “As we expand our operations
          New aircraft tracking rules        Honeywell Aerospace to help improve   around the world and prepare to join the
          Following the mysterious disappearance   its maintenance efficiency and increase   oneworld alliance, it is essential that
          of the Malaysian Airlines flight MH370,   cockpit and cabin connectivity.  our aircraft cater to the passenger’s
          India has asked all airlines in the   The multiple contracts include an   growing need for onboard connectivity
          country to track their aircraft real-time   Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) maintenance   and that we maintain the highest
          from take-off to landing.          agreement for SriLankan’s Airbus   possible level of fleet availability,” said
            The   Directorate  General  of   A320, A330 and A340 fleets to improve   Priyantha Rose, head of engineering,
          Civil Aviation (DGCA), the country’s   maintenance planning and lower costs,   SriLankan Airlines.
          aviation regulator, on May 6 issued   and communication avionics for six new   As part of the avionics contract,
          fresh guidelines demanding Indian    A330   aircraft  scheduled  for  Honeywell will install its quantum line
          carriers  and  private  jet  operators   delivery later in 2014. The avionics   communication and navigation system;
          to continuously remain connected   — electronics that enable a range of   HFR5 data link-capable solid state
          with their aircraft through one of two   functionality throughout the aircraft —   recorders; MCS-7200 L-band SATCOM
          airborne technologies - the Aircraft   include communication  and navigation   system;  and air  traffic  services  unit
          Communications  Addressing  and    hardware, data link software, flight   airline  operational  communication
          Reporting System, or ACARS or the   data and voice recorders, and satellite   (ATSU AOC) data link software across
          Automatic  Dependent  Surveillance  connectivity  systems  to  enhance  the airline’s six new A330-300s.
          Broadcast, or ADS-B, in case ACARS is
            The   ACARS  and   ADS-B  will  Air India to lease 14 Airbus A-320s
          automatically detect and report changes   Air India intends to acquire 14 Airbus   equipped with Sharklets.
          to the flight phases - out of the gate, off   A320s on lease for up to six years to   “Air India will require a total number
          the ground, on the ground and into the   replace  some  of  its  aging  aircraft  and   of 14 A320 aircraft on dry lease-- old
          gate, DGCA official Prabhat Kumar says  strengthen its domestic service.  aircraft as per the current tender and
            It will also enable “interface with   “The selected lessors should be   new aircraft as per the tender to be
          Flight Management System (FMS) for   able to supply on dry-lease up to three   floated. Air India reserves the right to
          communication of flight plans and   of these airplanes in 2014-15, up to five   select either old aircraft or new aircraft
          weather information from the ground   till 2015-16 and six till 2016-17,” an Air   or a combination of both or reject fully
          station,” facilitating the flight crew to   India official says.     or partly any bid submitted pursuant to
          examine new weather conditions and   The national carrier, which has been   this tender,” the official adds.
          consider alternative flight plans.  running on losses, will also additionally   The airplanes, in an all-economy
          The air traffic operators have been told   re-issue a bid shortly for dry lease of up   configuration with 188 seats, are being
          to ensure their serviceability before   to 14 new Airbus A320 aircraft, powered   leased in a bid to combat heightened
          every departure of the flight.    by CFM56-5B4/3 PIP engines and     competition on domestic routes.

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