Page 34 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2014 Online Magazine
P. 34


          Honeywell operates SmartPath at Malaga airport
          Honeywell  Aerospace’s  SmarthPath  use of this satellite navigation system   services has identified Honeywell’s
          Precision  Landing  System,  which  underlines Aena’s commitment to   SmartPath GBAS as a cost-effective,
          simultaneously  reduces  weather-  incorporate the very latest technologies   easy-to-install  and  more  flexible
          related delays, lowers air traffic noise,   to improve air traffic services.”  alternative to conventional systems.”
          improves flight efficiency and increases   Malaga Airport is the fourth   SmartPath supports up to 26
          airport  capacity,  has  started  operating  at   busiest airport in Spain and has flight   precision approaches for aircraft across
          Malaga-Costa del Sol Airport in Spain.     connections to over 60 countries   up to four runways simultaneously,
          A ceremonial flight with Air Berlin was   worldwide. It currently serves more   eliminating the need for multiple
          organised by navigation service provider   than 12.5 million passengers per year.   ILS systems at airports with several
          Aena Air navigation Directorate on May 5   Because the city is a popular tourist   runways. It reduces maintenance costs
          to mark the start of the system’s use for   destination,  maximising  landing  as it does not require the same level of
          unrestricted commercial flight operations.   assurance and operational efficiency   manual calibration as ILS, and it reduces
             SmartPath is the world’s only   at its airport remains a top priority for   tarmac congestion and increases airport
          certified Ground-Based Augmentation   Aena Air navigation Directorate, which   throughput by mitigating the need for
          System (GBAS), a technology that   is leading the GBAS initiative at the   taxiing aircraft to “short-hold.”
          augments  GPS  signals  to  make  them   airport.                       nearly 20 airports around the
          suitable for precision approach and   “With significant passenger growth   world have adopted SmartPath to
          landing, before broadcasting the data   occurring at many airports globally,   increase capacity, improve efficiency
          to approaching aircraft. It overcomes   the pressure on legacy ILS systems   and maximise landing assurance. As
          many  of  the  limitations  of  Instrument   to support increasing traffic volumes   well as the recent contract award to
          Landing Systems (ILS) traditionally   is greater than ever before,” said   SmartPath  at  Frankfurt  International
          used by airports to guide aircraft as they   Pat Reines, senior product manager,   Airport, Germany, and delivery of the
          approach the runway.               SmartPath,  Honeywell  Aerospace.  system to India’s Chennai International
             “Today is an important milestone   “Unlike ILS, GBAS supports multiple   Airport, Honeywell’s system is now
          for Aena with the  entry into service   approaches simultaneously, reducing   installed at Sydney International Airport,
          of Honeywell’s SmartPath Precision   airspace congestion and lowering   Australia,  and  due  to  begin  operation
          Landing System, an important step   airport noise and emissions. Aena Air   for commercial flights in the next few
          forward in terms of safety, cost-  navigation  Directorate  is  ambitious   months. Other airports that selected
          effectiveness and operability for airspace   about the implementation of satellite   the system include Houston, Texas, and
          users,” said Enrique Maurer, Aena Air   navigation-based  operations,  and  its   newark, new Jersey, in the US; Bremen,
          navigation Systems Directorate. “The   forward-looking approach to air traffic   Germany; and Zurich, Switzerland.

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