Page 17 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2015 Online Magazine
P. 17


                                            into this partnership with Recaro Aircraft   want the additional width as an option to
                                            Seating – and we are already working   a standard economy seat.
                                            with them to bring our A320 Family    The EBACE show at Geneva in May saw
                                            customers an SFE economy seat option   Lufthansa Technik’s present its “chair”
                                            for the first time,” said Heino Ostermeier,   family  of  seats  for  VIP  and  business
                                            Airbus’ Senior Vice President of Cabin   jets. “On board an airplane, the seats
                                            Procurement. The seat will be available   are the central interface between the
                                            later this year for line and retrofit and is   passengers and the cabin,” says Andrew
                                            based on the successful BL3530 economy   Muirhead, head of the Original Equipment
                                            class seat.                         Innovation unit at Lufthansa Technik. “For
                                               An interesting design that emerged   decades, seats have mostly changed only
                                            as the winner of this year’s Crystal   in shape and colour. Today’s passengers
                                            Cabin Award, in the “Passenger Comfort   have much higher expectations at every
                                            Hardware”  category held  at  the  Aircraft   level, from the most basic to top-of-the-
                                            Interiors Expo in Hamburg, was SII   line seats. They expect the comfort and
                                            Deutschland’s SANTO seat. SANTO stands   convenience of an innovative cabin along
                                            for “Special Accommodation Needs    with the diversity they’re accustomed
                                            for Toddlers & Oversized passengers.”   to from home furnishings, and more
                                            According to its maker, the SANTO seat   freedom of movement in the cabin.” The
                                            uses a one-and-a-half seat element,   new seat has already cleared all 9g ETSO
                                            including a fully retractable armrest that   (European Technical Standard Orders)
                                            makes use of the unused space between   maximum payload tests required for
                                            the last seat row and the aisle due to   airworthiness certification. The  sixteen
                                            the fuselage contour.  “The beneficiaries   (16g) dynamic tests are expected to
                                            of this concept are both operators and   have been completed by now. European
                                            travellers alike, as for a moderate   Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) approval
                                            surcharge, the safety of travelling infants   for the seats is expected later this year.
                                            can be significantly increased and the   Lufthansa Technik’s new seat product
                                            comfort of oversized travellers drastically   will be available as European Technical
                                            improved,” said Peter Miehlke, Business   Standard Order (ETSO) equipment and
                                            Unit  Manager  and  shareholder  of  SII   also with a complete Supplemental Type
                                            Deutschland. The unique design allows   Certificate (STC).
                                            the SANTO seat to accommodate two     Mercedes-Benz Style and Lufthansa
                                            adults and a child seat, at the same time   Technik  announced  in  May  that  both
                                            offering extra width for passengers who   companies would partner to develop

        SII Deutschland’s “Special
        Accommodation Needs
        for Toddlers & Oversized
        passengers,” SANTO
        seat, was a winner of this
        Crystal Cabin Award, in
        the “Passenger Comfort
        Hardware” category
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