Page 34 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2015 Online Magazine
P. 34


        INduSTRy NEWS ANd uPdATES

                                                                                gore Ethernet Cables for Civil
                                                                                Aerospace Apps
                                                                                W. L.  Gore & Associates (Gore)  has
          Acropolis Aviation First to Receive All-New Airbus                    introduced ethernet cables to meet the
          ACJ320neo                                                             civil aerospace industry’s emerging
          Acropolis Aviation will be one of the   latest technology, and is optimally   need for  higher data rate  cables in
          launch customers of  the brand new   configured  for  both  work  and  leisure.   a lightweight, flexible, and routable
          Airbus ACJ320neo, which will enter   With the new aircraft we will gain an   package. Engineered for the demands of
          service in early 2020.            improved  range  of  6,000nm/11,100km,   modern airborne digital networks, Gore
             The new aircraft will have a range of   which means clients can fly from London   Ethernet  Cables  provide  high-speed
          6,000nm/11,100km.   With cabin space   to Los Angeles Johannesburg or Tokyo   data transmission up to 10 gigabits over
          of 1,033 sq ft, 150 sq ft more than in   direct and London to Sydney with one   longer distances. They provide excellent
          the ACJ319, the ACJ320neo will have   refuelling stop.”               signal integrity with stable performance
          capacity for 140 bags and larger and   John Leahy, Airbus Chief Operating   in demanding environments, including
          quieter cabin.  It will also have an average   Officer, Customers, added: “I am   a wide range of temperatures. These
          lower cabin altitude of better than 6,400   delighted and especially proud to   cables are available in two standard
          feet, for improved passenger comfort.   announce Acropolis Aviation as the   sizes – 24 AWG and 26 AWG.
          The aircraft will accommodate up to 19   launch customer for the ACJ320neo.   Gore Ethernet Cables feature a
          passengers in a VVIP configuration and   It builds on Airbus’s long relationship   unique cable jacket material and high-
          will  be  fitted  with  start-of-the-art  in-  with one of the world’s leading private   density construction that significantly
          flight entertainment.             aviation operators.  I am confident that   reduces weight and diameter for
             Acropolis  CEO,  Jonathan  Bousfield   the enhanced capabilities of the Airbus   improved installation. This connector
          said,  “IFE and cabin connectivity is   ACJ320neo will help to keep Acropolis at   insert is a direct replacement for
          advancing at a rapid pace and we will   the forefront of the global private aviation   current quadrax technology that allows
          ensure that  our aircraft has  the  very   market for many years to come.”   for up to 20 times the data in the same
                                                                                space. “Being able to directly replace
                                                                                a size 8 quadrax connector within an
          Boeing Starts Assembly of First 737 MAX                               ARINC 600 or 38999 shell with the Gore
          Boeing employees in Renton, Washington,  “Achieving this milestone on schedule is a   10GbE product combined with a Glenair,
          have started building the first 737 MAX   testament to the success of the 737 and   Inc. El Ochito connector allows for a
          on schedule. In May, employees started   our integrated design and build team.”  dramatic increase in data capability
          to assemble the wings for the first 737   Machine operators loaded 737 MAX   within the same form factor,” says
          MAX flight test airplane. Wings are the   wing skin panels and stringers into   Jeremy Moore, Application Engineer at
          first 737 components to be assembled in   the new panel assembly line that uses   Gore. The unique cable jacket material
          the Renton production process.    automation to drill holes and install   provides the ideal combination of high
            “Employees in Renton are the best   fasteners in the upper and lower   speed and lighter weight necessary for
          in the world at building single-aisle   wing panels. Mechanics also loaded   a wide range of aerospace applications.
          airplanes and now this world-class   the initial parts  of the  first 737  MAX   Gore Ethernet Cables carry on the
          team is building the future with the first   spars – internal support structures in   heritage  and  proven  success  of  Gore
          737 MAX,” said Keith Leverkuhn, vice   wings – into automated spar assembly   Aerospace Cables and Materials such
          president and general manager, 737 MAX.  machines.                    as Gore 1394b FireWire Cables.

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