Page 35 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2015 Online Magazine
P. 35


         Boeing to Perform human
         Spaceflight Missions for NASA
         Boeing has announced that as part
         of its $4.2 billion Commercial Crew
         Transportation Capability (CCtCap)
         order with NASA, it will also perform
         the company’s first-ever service flight
         to the International Space Station. This
         is the first time in the history of manned
         spaceflight that NASA has awarded   vietnam Airlines First A350 XWB Takes to the Sky
         a  human  spaceflight  mission to  a   The first A350 XWB for Vietnam Airlines   and four under lease agreements. The
         commercial company. Boeing has been   has completed its first flight in Toulouse   carrier will operate its A350 XWB fleet
         mandated to complete a minimum of   on June 1 bearing the airline’s distinctive   on premium long haul routes, beginning
         two and potentially six service flights,   blue and gold lotus livery. The aircraft will   with services between Hanoi and Paris.
         on completion of human certification,   now enter the final phase of production,   The A350 XWB is Airbus’ all-new
         as part of its Cap contract with NASA.   including cabin completion, as well as   mid-size long range aircraft family and
         “This occasion will go in the books of   further ground and flight tests.   the newest member of Airbus’ leading
         Boeing’s nearly 100 years of aerospace   The aircraft, which will be leased   widebody  family.  The  A350  XWB  is  the
         and more than 50 years of space flight   from AerCap, is scheduled for delivery in   world’s most modern and efficient
         history,” said John Elbon, vice president   the middle of the year.   aircraft  family,  setting  new standards
         and general manager of Boeing’s Space   Vietnam Airlines will become the   in terms of flight experience for
         Exploration division. “We look forward   first Asian airline to fly the A350 XWB   passengers, operational efficiency and
         to ushering in a new era in human   and the second operator in the world.   cost-effectiveness for airlines. The A350
         space exploration.” John Mulholland,   Vietnam Airlines will acquire 14 A350   XWB had received 780 Firm orders from
         vice president of Commercial Programs   XWBs, including ten on order from Airbus   40 customers at the end of April 2015.
         said,  “We’re on  track  to fly  in 2017,
         and this critical milestone moves us
         another step closer in  fully maturing   Rockwell Collins Inks 2 Deals in Korea
         the CST-100 design,” adding “Our    In two separate agreements, Rockwell   “Our expertise in communications
         integrated and measured  approach   Collins’ ARINC GLOBALink has been   messaging  combined  with   our
         to spacecraft design ensures quality   selected by Korea Airports Corporation   understanding  of  the  Korean
         performance, technical excellence and   (KAC) and Korea’s T’Way Air.   market ideally positions Rockwell
         early risk mitigation.”               KAC, the service provider for airline   Collins to  provide these two leading
         The task of building and flying the next   and civil aviation communications in Korea,  organisations with robust solutions for
         U.S passenger spacecraft, called Crew   chose Rockwell Collins to implement   their aviation communication needs,”
         Space Transportation (CST)-100 was   an  advanced  air-to-ground  aviation  said Heament John Kurian, managing
         handed to Boeing in September 2014.   communications network to support the   director, IMS Asia Pacific for Rockwell
         The CST-100 will be able to carry seven   country’s growing aviation communication   Collins.    “These two  significant
         passengers or a mix of cargo and crew   requirements. T’way Air, South Korea’s   contracts mark another key milestone
         to destinations such as the planned   fastest growing airline, will use Rockwell   in our successful strategy to invest
         Bigelow station and the International   Collins’ ARINC  GLOBALink for its  air-to-  and grow our business in the country
         Space Station (ISS).                ground data link communications.  and throughout the entire region.”

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