Page 19 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2015 Online Magazine
P. 19


        engine will offer an improvement in fuel   also reduces the no of individual parts   achieved  advances  in  compressor
        efficiency, 10-15 percent better than   that are required for an item. The fuel-  architecture  and  performance,  turbine
        the previous generation Arriel engine.   injector nozzle which was earlier made up   operation at higher temperatures and
        Company  officials have confirmed to   of a dozen individual parts is now only a   breakthroughs in noise attenuation,
        Asian  Airlines  &  Airports  that  testing   single piece. The fuel injector nozzles are   weight and control systems. Turbomeca
        on the Arrano is delivering on its   produced using Selective Laser Melting   has also announced that ground tests of
        promised fuel efficiency claims. One of   (SLM) techniques. The combustor swirlers   the  TECH3000,  full-scale  technological
        the innovations on the Arrano that help   for the Ardiden 3 will also be made by   demonstrator will commence before
        improve fuel efficiency is the Inlet Guide   the  new  process.  An  extensive  additive   the end of this year.  The demonstrator
        Vanes (IGV) system,  which increases   manufacturing capability is being setup   will help in the development of a new
        efficiency during cruise flight as a result   at Turbomeca’s Bordes facility in France,   3,000 shp engine family to meet the
        of small variable-pitch blades above   which has already commenced serial   requirements of helicopters in the 10
        the compressor. Reduced maintenance   production of additive components for   tonne class. TECH3000 will enable
        and life-cycle costs are a key offering of   aerospace propulsion industry in France.  Turbomeca to validate the design and
        the Arrano and inspection intervals have   Arrano  incorporates  numerous  basic performance figures for next
        been significantly reduced. Turbomeca   technical  innovations,  including  a  generation high performance engines that
        will also offer its new online maintenance   revolutionary  thermodynamic  core  will be capable of delivering 25 percent
        program, BOOST (Bank of Online Services   developed for the Tech 800 technological   better fuel economy as compared to the
        & Technologies) for Arrano customers.   demonstrator (which ran on a test bench   present generation engines available in
        BOOST is an integrated highly secure   in May 2013). The TECH800 demonstrator   that class.
        online service that will be offered by   was developed in cooperation with 34
        Turbomeca for its recent engines. The   partners from ten European countries,
        maintenance offering aims to help owners   as  part  of  a  research  study  financed  by
        and  operators  in  management  and  their   the European Commission’s Clean Sky
        engine maintenance. The power of BOOST   program, a public-private partnership
        lies  in the  tight  interaction  between the   with the European aerospace industry.
        Electronic Engine Logbook, the Interactive   The  Tech 800  demonstrator was  one  of   TOP LEFT: Airbus Helicopters
        Electronic Technical Publications and the   the six engine demonstrators dedicated   H160 will benefit from the
                                                                                mature technologies on the
        engine configuration management which   to propulsion in Clean Sky. It was intended   Arrano that will deliver an
        Turbomeca  controls  as  the  OEM.  The   to demonstrate new technology bricks   engine that is reliable, powerful
        offering  is  still  in  the  testing  phase  at   via full size core engine tests, whereas   and maintenance friendly right
        present and is expected to be operational   Arrano is a new engine program.   from entry into service
        next year.                          Turbomeca continues testing on the Tech   TOP RIGhT: The Arrano will
           The Arrano incorporates a number of   800 for research purposes. Designed and   introduce new manufacturing
        technical innovations and Turbomeca is   manufactured by Turbomeca,  the Tech   methods such as additive
        working hard to ensure that the engine   800 demonstrator delivered double digit   manufacturing using laser
                                                                                fusion on a metal powder bed.
        attains a high level of maturity from   improvements  in fuel  consumption  and   The Arrano’s fuel-injector
        entry into service. The new Turbomeca   CO2 emissions during tests, as compared   nozzle (pictured) has seem the
        engine will also see the use of a number   to engines that were considered as state-  number of parts reduced from a
        of additive manufactured parts. This has   of-the-art in the year 2000. Seeking to   dozen to one, thanks to additive
                                                                                manufacturing which delivers a
        led to substantial savings because of this   develop a future helicopter turboshaft   one-piece, complex-shaped part
        improved manufacturing process which   engine in the 800kW power class, it   in record time
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                            SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2015  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  19
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