Page 20 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2015 Online Magazine
P. 20

           TURE AIR

        A True Success Story                                                             In 2016, Air Astana plans to start
                                                                                         operations to Tehran in Iran and
                                                                                         Ulan Bator in Mongolia
        Air Astana has exceeded expectations in terms of growth, quality and reputation
        By Jay Menon

        WhEN PETER FOSTER DECIDED TO LEAVE   and continued economic and political   The  airline  continues  to  battle
        the Chief Executive Officer’s post at the   headwinds  in  Ukraine  and  Russia,  two   the  currency  devaluation.The  Kazakh
        Royal Brunei Airlines to be the President   important markets for the airline. The   government  decided  to  de-peg  the  tenge
        of Air Astana in 2005, there were few   country’s currency tenge was initially   to the USD in mid Aug-2015, introducing a
        chuckles and raised eyebrows among   devalued by almost 20% in February 2014,   new free float policy. The value of the tenge
        his friends and former colleagues. “No   resulting in an immediate impact to Air   immediately dropped by another 25%,
        one had really heard of Kazakhstan and   Astana. The flag carrier quickly responded   leading to a more challenging short-term
        certainly no one had heard of Air Astana,”   by slowing capacity growth.  outlook for Air Astana. The tenge accounts
        Foster says. Almost a decade on, they look   “Last year’s devaluation was a major   for about two thirds of the Air Astana’s
        enviously upon Foster’s success story as   challenge for a company with the bulk   revenues but only one third of its costs.
        the dynamic and growing flagship airline   of its revenues in tenge and expenses   The initial devaluation has already led
        of Kazakhstan is bringing the world to   in  dollars,  but  we  rose  to  the  challenge,   to much smaller net profits for Air Astana
        Central Asia.                       delivering impressive operational results   but the airline has been able to continue
           “After nearly 10 years in this job, I can   and record operational profits while   growing operating profits. It is confident it
        say that Air Astana has proved to be a true   maintaining our robust safety record,”   will continue to stay profitable despite the
        Kazakhstani success story,”  says Foster,   Foster says with pride.     latest devaluation, enabling it to extend its
        who was conferred with the Order of the   In 2014 the company produced a net   profit streak.
        British Empire for services to British   profit of US$ 19.5 million, on revenues   “We anticipate continued challenges in
        aviation in Kazakhstan in the New Year   of US$ 934.8 million, respectively 62%   our domestic home market and expanded
        Honours list this year.             and  3% lower than 2013.  Setting aside   home market in Central Asia and the CIS
                                            the effect of devaluation, the company   in 2015. Russia and Ukraine are likely
        Beating the Odds                    recorded an operating profit of US$   to deliver little or no growth. However,
        In 2014, the airline delivered a record   98.5 million, 36 % higher than 2013 and   I am confident we have the right people,
        operating profit despite a currency   comfortably the highest in the airline’s13-  organisation  and  technology  in  place  to
        devaluation in the domestic market   year history.                      overcome these challenges,” he says.
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