Page 18 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2016 Online Magazine
P. 18


        Moment of Truth

        2016 is an important year for the prized single-aisle contenders from Airbus and Boeing
        By Atul Chandra

        ThE  PROmISE  OF  FuEL-EFFICIENCY  AND   that it had set more than four years ago, was   31st). The order split for the aircraft variants
        greater savings offered by the new   adhered to, when the first 737MAX rolled out   are: A319neo (50), A320neo (3327) and
        generation single-aisle jetliners from Airbus   of Boeing’s Renton factory and into the paint   A321neo  (1094).  The  737MAX  orders  are
        and Boeing, will be tested in 2016, with   hangar on November 30, 2015 as scheduled.   overwhelmingly in favour of the MAX8
        A320neo (new engine option) deliveries   Final assembly of the second and third 737   (greater  than 90%),  followed  by the  MAX9
        now underway and Boeing’s 737 MAX facing   MAX 8 flight test examples is now underway   (7 %), and MAX7 (2 %). Both airframers
        its  imminent  maiden  flight  scheduled  for   and  sub-assembly  of the  fourth and  final   delivered impressive numbers when it came
        January 29th.  The 737 MAX named ‘Spirit   test example is also progressing. Launch   to jetliner orders for 2015. Airbus powered
        of Renton’ will take to the air, close to 49   customer, Southwest Airlines is expected to   by sales from the A320neo Family (850 net
        years after the first Boeing 737-100 made   take delivery of its first 737MAX in the third   orders), announced that it had closed 2015,
        its maiden flight on April 9th, 1967. Boeing   quarter of 2017.        with net orders for 1036 jetliners. Airbus now
        has worked hard to play catch up with the   When it comes to head to head numbers   has an order backlog for 6,787 jetliners, worth
        early one-and-a-half-year lead built up by the   between the A320neo Family and the   almost a trillion dollars ($996.3 billion at list
        A320neo family and delivered an on-schedule   737MAX,  Airbus  continues  to lead  with a   prices).  At  current  Airbus  production  rates
        rollout for its 737MAX, late last year.  The   total of 4471 orders for neo versus 3072 for   this is sufficient for 10 years of production.
        airframer was happy to point out that a date   the Boeing’s MAX (data as of December   Boeing on the other hand announced that it

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