Page 19 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2016 Online Magazine
P. 19


        BELOW: Airbus announced a delay
        in the entry into service of the
        A320neo by a few weeks. Lufthansa
        is the first airline to have taken
        delivery of the A320neo

        RIGhT: Boeing’s 737MAX has been     had received 768 net orders in 2015 (Boeing   the 2nd week of December, IndiGo said that
        unable to overtake the early led    data as of December 31st 2015). The 737MAX   it had been informed by Airbus that delivery
        gained by Airbus with its A320neo.   Family, accounted for 409 of these orders   of its first airplane had been delayed due to
        The 737MAX has been on schedule
        thus far and the planned maiden     along with 199 737-800s and 35 737-900ERs.   ‘industrial reasons’.
        flight is not too far away          Boeing’s  order  backlog  at  5,795  airplanes,   Incomplete  documentation and certain
                                            is  sufficient  for  seven  and  half  years  of   aspects related to the maintenance
                                            production.                         procedures for Pratt &  Whitney’s (PW)
                                               The end of 2015 brought little cheer to   Pure Power PW1100G-JM engines were
                                            Airbus which had to announce delays in the   revealed by Airbus as having been the cause
                                            delivery of the first A320neo to an airline.   behind the delay in deliveries. In addition
                                            In the end it was a mere hiccup, a few weeks   to promised fuel efficiency improvements
                                            of delay before the first Airbus  A320neo   (15%)available to customers from the start,
                                            was delivered to the Lufthansa Group.  The   Airbus has promised that per seat fuel burn
                                            airline group has more Airbus jetliners   improvement of 20% will be made available
                                            in service than anyone else and has also   to  customers  by  2020.  This  will  allow  an
                                            ordered the largest number of jetliners, from   increase in range by 950 km or an additional
                                            the airframer. The group’s orders for Airbus   two tonnes of payload capability for the
                                            commercial airplanes, stands at 582 aircraft,   same range. Indian airlines  such as IndiGo
                                            which include 116 NEOs (71 A320neo and 45   and GoAir are responsible for more than 10
                                            A321neo) out of the 386 A320 Family aircraft   percent of total A320neo orders, with 430
                                            ordered. Qatar Airways which was slated to   and 72 on order respectively. IndiGo has
                                            be the first airline to commence commercial   taken all delivery of all 100 A320ceo (current
                                            operations with the A320neo, and has orders   engine option) from a 2005 order. GoAir has
                                            for 34 A320neos and 16  A321neos had   also said that its first A320neo deliveries,
                                            decided not to take delivery, preferring to   originally scheduled to arrive from April, this
                                            wait instead till its concerns with the Pratt &   year, would be delayed.
                                            Whitney GTF engines were resolved. Indian   The 737MAX is available only with
                                            Low Cost Carrier (LCC), IndiGo an important   CFM International LEAP-1B engines.  The
                                            customer for the A320neo with 430 orders   choice of the LEAP-1B continues with the
                                            for the type, was earlier scheduled to be the   Boeing tradition of selecting CFM as the
                                            second airline (after Qatar) and the first Asian   engine supplier for the 737 Family since
                                            carrier to receive jetliner. The LCC announced   1984. Approximately 12,000 Boeing 737
                                            in December, that it would not receive its first   jetliners powered by CFM engines have
                                            airplane on December 30th as scheduled. In a   been ordered since then. The first LEAP-1B
                                            notification to the Indian stock exchange in   engines  were  delivered  to  Boeing  towards
                            WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA                                  JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2016  ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  19
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