Page 20 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2016 Online Magazine
P. 20


        the end of October 2015, in time for the   from Airbus and Boeing. Southwest revealed
        aircraft’s maiden rollout. Compared to the   its choices for the interior of its 737-800 and
        newest Next-Generation 737s in operation   737MAX airplanes, when it showcased the
        today, the 737MAX is expected to deliver   seats chosen for the new aircraft. The new
        an improvement in fuel efficiency of 14%.   seats made by B/E Aerospace are the widest
        This will increase to 20% over the earliest   on any 737 and passengers will be able to
        Next-Generation 737s that entered service   experience the seats on Southwest’s new
        decades ago.  The LEAP-1B engines alone   737-800s which arrive in a few months. The
        contribute to a fuel efficiency improvement   seats feature an adjustable headrest, space
        of 11%.  The new jetliner will also be able   to store a personal device, thinner armrests
        to fly farther up to a distance of 1,074 km   and a wider seat.
        as compared to Next-Generation 737. A   Airbus chose to go with two engine
        number  of aerodynamic  improvements   options on the NEO Family, the P&W Pure
        have helped improve fuel efficiency, these   Power PW1100G-JM engines and CFM
        include: advanced technology winglets that   International LEAP-1A. Both have completed
        contribute to 1% improvement in efficiency   their respective certification tasks and are
        for distances up to 500 nautical miles, revised   continuing with testing. The Geared Turbofan
        tail design that reduces drag by 1% as a result   technology is a major advance in aero-
        of removal of vortex generators and better   engine design and one that has taken Pratt
        engine-wing integration has reduced drag   & Whitney more than two decades and $10
        and improved fuel efficiency by 0.5%. Boeing   billion to develop. The addition of a gearbox
        has also said that per seat operating costs   between the engine  fan and low pressure
        will be lower as compared to the A320neo by   compressor and turbine, allowed the engine
        8%.  One aspect that has not received much   fan to operate at lower rpms making it more
        public attention is the cabin choices that have   efficient but also enabled the low pressure   CFM has commenced deliveries of
                                                                                LEAP-1B engines to Boeing for the
        been made for the new single aisle offerings   compressor and turbine to spin faster. Not   new 737 MAX.

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