Page 28 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2016 Online Magazine
P. 28

FEATURE SUKHOI                                                                                                                                                                                                    FEATURE SUKHOI

        Super Stretch

        Russia’s Sukhoi plans stretched version of its Superjet 100
        By Jay Menon

        regional  aircraft  segment  seems to  have
        impelled Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Co. (SCAC)
        to plan a stretched version of the Sukhoi
        Superjet 100 (SSJ100).
           An  internal  decision  has  been  made  by
        the SCAC to build a a 120-seater with the
        same engine but a different wing. “We are
        aiming towards getting the aircraft ready
        to enter service by 2020,” says Evgeny
        Andrachnikov,  Senior  Vice  President,
        Sukhoi Civil Aircraft.  The current Superjet   Evgeny Andrachnikov, Senior Vice
        is powered by the SAM-146, a product of a   President, Sukhoi Civil Aircraft
        collaboration between France’s Snecma and
        Russia’s United Engine Corp.           “The stretched  aircraft will  be suitable   which have forced existing OEMs to improve
           The stretched  version of the  Superjet,   for regional operation with optimised   the operational capabilities of their aircraft.
        could compete with regional planes made by   costs”, Andrachnikov says, adding  the new   The Superjet competes in the 100-seat
        Brazil’s  Embraer and  Canada’s  Bombardier.   version will be a simple stretch. “It’s not a   class with Bombardier and Embraer. Soon,
        “We’re   discussing  financing  with  high risk programme.  We understand the   it will have two more strong competitors,
        shareholders, we need to persuade them of   market demands for the existence of the   China’s Comac and Japan’s Mitsubishi
        the market need,” Andrachnikov says.   family members and at the same time we are   Regional Jet (MRJ).
           The new variant is likely to have a   optimising the investments required.”  “It’a tiny market, and it will be a tough
        maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) of 53 tons.  Russia is planning to invest some 4.8 billion   time with five serious OEMs in this segment.
        The current SSJ100 has a MTOW of 45-49   rubles (US$143 million) over the next five years   But there is a window of opportunity for us,”
        tons and can carry up to 103 passengers in   in additional research and development on its   Andrachnikov says.
        an all-economy configuration.       SSJ100 passenger twinjet.
           Andrachnikov   concedes    that     The Superjet 100 is a short-medium haul  Production Plan
        competition in the regional aircraft segment   passenger  aircraft  developed  by  Sukhoi  in   SCAC plans to increase production of the
        has  persuaded  the  manufacturer  to find   cooperation with US and European aviation   Superjet 100 by more than three-fold by 2020.
        ways to improve its existing aircraft.  corporations,  including  Boeing,  Snecma,   “Considering the high demand for the
           “The regional transport is either a dead   Thales, Messier Dowty, Liebherr Aerospace   aircraft, we have ramped up our production
        market or a sleeping giant…But the demand   and Honeywell.              according to market needs. Our current
        forecast for 3000 aircraft in the next 10   Superjet’s Russian-built SSJ100 operated   production capacity is 60 jets annually. And
        years is a good number,” he says.   its  first  commercial  flight in  2011  and  since   we don’t produce just to produce but to sell,”
           Sales of regional turboprops have been   then just over 50 of the 100 seat-aircraft have   Andrachnikov asserts.
        strong in recent years, as high fuel prices   been delivered.             Designed to western standards, with a
        and a need for carriers to reduce operating   Of late, the regional aircraft market   bevy of western suppliers on board such as
        costs have driven demand for these aircraft  witnessed an influx of so many new entries   Thales, Honeywell etc, SCAC wants to focus
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