Page 29 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2016 Online Magazine
P. 29

 FEATURE SUKHOI                                                                                    FEATURE SUKHOI

                                                                        The SSJ100  is a world-class

                                                                         product, and it is possible to
                                                                         produce it in enterprises in India,

                                                                         which are quite competitive, in
                                                                         terms of technology and costs

                                                                               The stretched version of the
                                                                               Superjet, could compete with
                                                                               regional planes made by Brazil’s
                                                                               Embraer and Canada’s Bombardier

        its sales activity beyond Russia. “We want to   environment which we can’t ignore. I believe   as a key defence and aerospace player
        establish substantial foot-print across the   Africa is the second most desirable market,”   in India with established capabilities and
        world,” he adds.                    Andrachnikov says, adding the company is also   demonstrated deliveries in missile systems
           Outside Russia, the SSJ has so far   in talks with Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and   and sub-systems radar systems and sub-
        achieved its only notable success in Mexico,   Oman for sales of its SSJ100.  systems  command  and  control  systems
        where a local company Interjet purchased 20   “There is clear indication of interest in   aerospace and aero-structures.
        Russian aircraft. All other sales of the plane   Egypt,” he says. If the order is firmed up, it   He notes that the SSJ100  “is a world-class
        have been limited to one plane at a time.  would be Sukhoi’s first in the Middle East.   product, and it is possible to produce it in
           Last year, Russia said it will supply 100   Though Iran is also a potential customer,   enterprises in India, which are quite competitive,
        Sukhoi Superjets to China over the next three   certain sanctions continue to hamper any   in terms of technology and costs.”
        years. Russia’s  Industry and Trade Minister   deals with Tehran, he adds.  Tata  already  manufactures  aero-
        Denis Manturov had said that time that China   SCAC is also in talks with  Thailand to   structures and components for several
        would take five SSJ planes in 2015.   deliver two aircraft in the VIP version, he adds.   global Original Equipment Manufacturers at
           However, it is necessary to take into   One such aircraft is already flying in Russia.   its facilities in Hyderabad.
        account that the planes are not sold, but                                 As of today, several national aviation
        transferred  to a  joint leasing  company,  Make in India               bodies have certified the SSJ100, including the
        which will distribute them in the markets of   SCAC is likely to soon sign an agreement with   IAC AR, EASA, Mexican, Lao and Indonesian
        China and neighbouring countries, where   Indian company Tata Advanced Systems, for   authorities. The largest operator using these
        everything  will  depend  on  the  demand  of   the manufacture of spare parts for SSJ-100.  aircraft in Russia is the Aeroflot Company.
        local carriers.                        “We are in advanced talks with  Tata   Sukhoi is part of state-owned United
           Russia is also counting on the emerging   for industrial cooperation in India. “We are   Aircraft Corp (UAC), an umbrella corporation
        markets in Latin America, Africa and Asia.  planning to sign an agreement this year,”   Russian President Vladimir Putin created in
           “Besides Latin America and Asia, Russia has   Andrachnikov informs.  2006 to revive the country’s aircraft industry
        good ties with Africa. We consider a potential   Tata Advanced Systems is fast emerging   in partnership with Italy’s Finmeccanica.
                            WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA                                     MARCH / APRIL 2016  ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  29
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