Page 31 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2016 Online Magazine
P. 31


                                                                                LEFT: Elbit Systems Helicopter
                                                                                Skylens wearable head-up
                                                                                display has now entered its final
                                                                                flight test stages

                                                                                OPPOSITE BOTTOm:
                                                                                Swiss International Air Lines
                                                                                will take delivery of the first C
                                                                                Series equipped with Rockwell
                                                                                Collins systems, which includes
                                                                                a dual Head-up Guidance System
                                                                                (HGS). Rockwell Collins also
                                                                                offers a single HGS as an option

        a very strong presence in the Asia-Pacific   end of February that testing with the TopMax   systems with the final hardware as part of
        region. Development of Head Up Displays at   head-worn display in 2015, had met all   its  certification  programs  for  commercial
        Thales’s started in the 1970s on-board civil   expectations set by the company. “Feedback   aviation were performed for a variety of
        aircraft and today, Thales is the sole supplier   was extremely positive, confirming our   manoeuvres, including rooftop landings and
        of HUDs on the entire Airbus aircraft family   belief that TopMax has huge potential,” said   oil rig approaches above the sea in both day
        from A318 to A350WXB, including NEO.   Guillaume Lapeyronnie,  Thales marketing   and night conditions to recreate SAR, EMS
        Thales is now also working on 5th generation   manager for avionics activities. Feedback   and rig transportation missions.
        of Head Up Displays.  While Airbus is   of the product’s performance in terms   Development  flight  tests,  of Skylens
        promoting HUDs as the baseline offering   of stability, latency and comfort and its   have  demonstrated  its  wider  field  of  view,
        for its entire fleet, Thales continues to offer   virtually unlimited field of view have been   which allows the pilot to be able to fly “eyes
        single HUD systems as part of its portfolio   very  positive. The TopMax  head-worn   out” even in bad weather. The system also
        under customer request.             display is expected to enter service in early   offers higher resolution and an upgraded
           What is certain that HUD technology is   2019. “Several potential customers are   tracking system  that depicts  EVS  video
        here to stay and will proliferate across all   very interested in this new product in the   imagery as well as synthetic vision in
        fixed wing and rotary wing types in the future.   business aviation segment, commercial air   severe weather conditions. The operational
        With limited cockpit space and the large   transport and civil helicopters markets,”   configuration flight tests for the Helicopter
        head-down displays that are already the   adds Lapeyronnie.  TopMax which weighs   Enhanced  Flight  Vision  System  (EFVS),
        largest available, “eyes-out” systems such as   in a just 700 grams, along with the audio   HeliEVS which is now in final stages of
        head-up displays and head-worn displays will   headset with Active Noise Reduction (ANR),   development for commercial aviation, were
        take increasing precedence in aircraft of the   is being offered by Thales as an alternative   conducted on a BO105 helicopter testbed.
        future. These displays will be able to display   or complementary solution to current HUDs.   According  to Elbit, “Pilots  indicated  that
        real and enhanced or synthetic information   It  can  be  quickly  installed  and  has  minimal   they could recognize, even at night and from
        along with the aircraft’s trajectory and vector.   footprint in the aircraft, making it ideal for   long distances, obstacles and landing point
        “The capacity to offer a trajectory that is easy   rotorcraft and light business aircraft.   around the oil rig from far away and to be
        to fly  in all phases of flight,  and whatever   Israeli  firm  Elbit  Systems  also  able to  plan ahead optimal  approaches.”
        system  degradations  the  aircraft  may  be   announced  at  HeliExpo  2016,  last  month,   While Skylens is offered as a display solution
        experiencing,  will  also  be  a  key  feature  of   that its Helicopter Skylens  Wearable   for non-helmet users, that provides head-
        the advanced cockpit systems of the future,”   HUD and Enhanced Flight  Vision System   up information, SkyVis is an add-on to the
        says Gil Michielin, head of Thales’s avionics   for Helicopters, HeliEVS had completed   helicopter pilot’s own helmet providing a
        business.                           successful flight tests in Final Operational   conformal “head  up” view and displaying
                                            Configuration (FOC). Both products are part   flight,  vehicle  and  navigation  symbology
        Head-Worn Displays                  of Elbit’s Clearvision Enhanced Flight Vision   for day, night and NVG operation, in limited
        Head-word displays are a new technology   System (EFVS) family, and HeliEVS has been   weather conditions.
        that is rapidly demonstrating significant   developed from the ClearVision EVS for fix
        benefits to users. Thales announced at the   wing applications.  Testing of the Skylens
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